Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Old School Dogpile


20 strong hit dogpile for an old school beatdown this morning and here is how it went down.

Warm up exercises to get the heart pumping and the muscles loose ..

Love Hill – 1st version partner up run to the top before the turn in the road – exercises walk out merkins – lunges – broad jump burpees – 2nd version run to the top gate – exercises polar bears – Russian Solders – crab walk.

Amp Theatre : dips ladder down 18-1 – back up 1-18 incline merkins

Burpee Shuffle.

Native American Run back to flag

20 hand release merkins ring of fire.

Hardywood got the pax count – EF Hutton took us out.

Way to work guys – thanks for allowing me to lead and for letting me bring back a legendary dogpile workout .

Have a great rest of your weekend.


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  1. Great O.G. workout Swirl…really appreciated the Gerry-friendly warmup.

    Have a good weekend and hope Kristen continues to heal well.

  2. Nicely done, today. Dips plus inclined merkins never get old.

    Garbage Plate crushed Love Hill.

    Good chatter at ETs. 40 degrees beats 20 any day.

  3. Great Q Swirls. I love the OG Dogpile, but man it was dark down there! I’m amazed nobody fell into the hole or busted skulls.