Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Mount Three Fingers


Fourteen able bodied adventurers plus one bunny chaser gathered for instructions for this week’s Spider Run. Instructions were provided and everyone was thrilled. Variation of Mount Henrico with a few fingers and maybe a thumb thrown in there for good measure.

West around baseball field, left on College, right on Lakewood, right on Wood, left on Baldwin, quick jog across Westham, left on Baldwin, left on Rock Creek, cross Forest to University.

First right to ascend and descend Essex. 4s return home.

Fives and Sixes take right on University and ascend and descent Dinwiddie and Nalla. Fives return home while sixes repeat Dinwiddie and Essex on the way back.

Numbers, names, no announcements. Silence for prayer this morning.

The blood was cold but flowing this am. By all accounts it seemed to be a vibrant group. YHC enjoys these routes as you get to see everyone multiple times regardless of your pace.

Instructions were perfectly clear; however, Singer decided to chase the bunnies down an alternate path for a while. Others commented on the preciseness of the 5 mile route (or inprecision of BTs watch). Either way a good time was had by most.




  1. Turns out, I have an announcement: F3RVA’s own fastest endurance driver, most active youth sports coach, and chauffeur to many a family member during the Thanksgiving holiday turned some large number of years old today (and didn’t mention it). Happy birthday to BT!

  2. Wedding Singer on

    Sometimes you need to call an audible on the route. In all fairness I did think that left was Wood, but it was still Baldwin.