Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Blame it on the rain


3 puddle jumpers ignored the hysterical weather forecast to find a perfect morning. 66 degrees, periodic drizzle, and a slight crosswind of tsk tsk for those who were not able to join us. To be fair, water from the sky can be terrifying.

Warmups: side straddle hops, Don Quixotes, cherry pickers, imperial copperhead squats, copperhead merkins, etc etc.

Triple check: tooth fairies up the stairs, jerkins on the bar and some wet concrete flutter kicks.

Fire on the mountain: climbing Mt. Chaplain with lunges across the flat parts.

Triple check: run the loop, flagpole smokers, elbow plank hold.

11s on the lightposts: Merkins and jungle boi squats.

Circle up for some special stretching to find muscles not currently known to the scientific community.

Prayers for the the strength, the patience and the wisdom to navigate the decisions we make each day – and gratitude for all the brothers, both wet and dry, who hold us accountable.


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  1. What a GREAT off-the-cuff workout! Thanks for taking the lead Snuff. If you missed it because you feared the rain – let this be a lesson to you – it wasn’t raining, and it was an awesome workout. Be there next time! 🙂