Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

This will be FUN!!


YHC rode down Satan’s hill to find a PAX of one (Rosco), but fear not Rosetta and Hermie soon joined. Hot Potato Q. YHC pulled the last shift. YHC was not happy as he knew he would have to write BB and knew he had not time. Hence the lateness of BB. “I don’t feel tardy”. According to the white Tesla here is what went down.

COP- We did several exercises and stretches.

Hermie- Mosey to front of the HErmie mansion. Grab pumpkins. Perform exercise with said pumpkin while partner ran up and down “Deadman’s Hill” Deadman’s hill is other side of hood and kid’s in hood have given said name. 5 sets of various exercises including curls, overhead press, pumpkin copters, etc. Scramble for Q. Again I wanted it so I did not have to write BB. Rosetta stated “I have something Fun!”

Rosetta- Jacob’s ladder up previously mentioned hill with Burpees on the ends starting at 1 ending at 5. That was not fun ROSETTA!!.

YHC- Mosey back starting at 5 and moving to 10, 15 , 20 etc. PAX calls out exercise and perform escalating number of exercise at each mailbox. We hit 85 on th last box and time was called.

Announcements and prayers: It seems like eon’s ago and I do not recall.

Way to work several days ago! Make today Awesome!


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