Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Nice hand!


3 regulars and an FNG showed up this morning to play some cards.
Here is what transpired…

Quick run through the center of the buildings.

COP — IJR’s, DQ’s, Cherry Pickers, arm circles, split jacks, IW’s

7 of diamonds
at each base 7 burpees
14 merkins
21 2 count am ham
28 2 count flutters

3 jacks
plank jacks
bear crawl to the grassy knoll, 5 smurf jacks, bear crawl back

pair of aces
Lt Dan’s — start with one and do one broad jump before doing the next one
2 LT Dan’s then 2 broad jumps
we increased till we got to 8, then time was called

Numbers, Names, Announcements

NMS — Great to meet out new guy this morning Peter Francis (Sally). Nicknamed bc he drove up in a Mustang. Perfect name, Mudface! Fun times were had by all, Mudface behaved himself for the new guy and no one got hurt, so it was a good morning.


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