Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rock around the Clock


A strong 17 made their way out of the fart sack this morning with 3 early risers getting in a little extra credit in and finding glow sticks and paper on the soccer field. This left them wondering what Doozy had in store for them.

5:30 lets find out, mosey to the parking lot for COP

DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Russian Soldiers, Hillbillies, Deadman Hangs

Mosey to the soccer field:

Find 13 Glow sticks – 1 in the center of the field with 12 set up in a clock pattern (12:00 being red rather than yellow like the rest). At each place on the clock do that exercise with the number on the clock X10 then circle the center glow stick before going to the next point on the clock. The only odd ball is 1:00 which is a lap around the perimeter, 2:00 20 Burpees, 3:00 30 Jump Squats, 4:00 40 Merkins, 5:00 50 Plank Jacks, 6:00 60 WWII’s, 7:00 70 Mountain Climbers, 8:00 80 American Hammers, 9:00 90 Copperhead Squats, 10:00 100 Hillbilies (ouch), 11:00 110 Rosalitas and 12:00 120 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to the parking lot

Man Killers

Mosey to the pass through

Parking lot crawls – 10 parking spaces bear crawl to each starting at 1 increase 1 merkin at each space so that you are doing 10 merkins on the last space


Numbers/names YHC took us out


This was a workout that YHC picked up in Waxhaw, NC (Man Killers came from Indiana). YHC highly recommends that when you have the opportunity to join a PAX that is not your core group to take advantage of it and see what other groups are doing. YHC got to sit and talk with Hardwood (F3 Fort Mill, SC) while sitting by the pool a few weeks back. It was very interesting to hear how they run their AO’s in other areas. Charlotte, Fort Mill, Waxhaw all have a system where every AO has what they call a “Site Q” – the job of the site Q is to fill the Q sheet for every day that AO meets. This is done by asking for volunteers or by recruiting Q’s from other places. If a spot is not able to be filled the Q for that day falls on the site Q to ensure that there is always someone at that AO. The site Q can assign it to be a Hot Potato but he has to also assign at least one PAX to get it started.


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  1. Well done Doozy, next time you can make the clock a little bigger, if for no other reason than it fills up the time and there is nothing left for the mankillers.

    F3 RVA Capital Trail relay Pre-blast hidden in the BBs from yesterday.