Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

IPC Week 3 @ Daville


7 Davillians got after it for Week 3 of IPC.

This how it went down.

Meet at the Chickahominy MS track


K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple Stupid)


Run 400m
100 merkins
Run 400m
90 squats
Run 400m
80 merkins
Run 400m
70 squats
Run 400m
60 merkins
Run 400m
50 squats
Run 400m
40 merkins
Run 400m
30 squats
Run 400m
20 merkins
Run 400m
10 squats
***Run 800m***


Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins, and 250 squats.

Total time to complete the workout below.  

The time begins with the start of the first 400m run and ends at the conclusion of the 800m run. 

Numberrama, Namerama, Announcements, YHC to us out


This week was nice change of pace from last week’s complex workout. YHC completed it downrange but from the sounds of it, the Daville PAX was glad when it was over.

The PAX this morning crushed it average around 35 minute pace. T-Claps to Phonics for leading the PAX finishing around 31 minutes. Glad to have you back in the gloom this morning brother

Strong showing from Mud Face this morning. He got early to get started and completed around the same time as the rest. Also YHC saw some running skills from him. Great job!


12 Runners (11 Davillians and Faceplant) will be running in the Inaugural Daville 35 Relay this Saturday. Stop by to cheer them on anytime between 5am and 10am



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