A pumped up gang of mighty men converged at NoToll this morning to take on Week 1 of the Iron Pax Challenge. Along with the famed clipboard, DTH upped the gadget game with a whiteboard detailing the routine and Bluetooth speaker sounding off the EMOM timer. Here’s how SOJ set the pace for F3RVA:
- Mosey to the lush field and circle up
- Welcome & F3 Disclaimer
- DQ’s x10 IC
- YHC demonstrated and led a few reps of each exercise in the planned routine
IronPax Challenge Week 1:
- EMOM (every minute on the minute), complete x3 Burpees, and meanwhile complete the following:
- x50 HRRM’s (both hands off ground at bottom then one hand off ground at top of each merkin – we did a shoulder tap)
- x100 Leg Raises
- x150 Jungle Boi Squats (deep squats with touching both hands to ground between feet, then raised overhead with jumping feet off ground)
- x200 WWII’s
- x250 Lunges (single count)
- Scored for individual Elapsed Time
Cool Down:
- Variable Mary and stretches
Mosey BTTF for COT:
- Counterama # 15
- Namerama
- Announcerama (see Comments)
- YHC took us out in Prayer
- Impressive performance again from the SOJ pax with times ranging 21:36 to 36min. Tclaps to Fresh Prince, Don Draper, and Rosie setting the pace at something akin to a blur. The burpees every minute were annoying, but ultimately became a respite from the relentless pain of the gazillion routine reps. Don’t know about the rest of you but YHC has been wobbling around on spaghetti legs this morning! Also Tclaps to a few guy who did not let their form waver despite the high rep count (among others, YHC noted Snuff and Florence really honoring the form) – you may have come up with slower times, but you guys are winners at an entirely higher level!!! The IPC is really a powerful exercise of the F3 You-versus-You model — it really doesn’t matter what your ultimate finish time is, if you pushed yourself hard to do your best, then you are reaping what you sow. YHC really appreciates how many of you guys are stepping up to do the IPC this year – CSAUP sucks, but sure as hell is a lot more fun with you guys alongside! All my respect, YHC, DTH
– Prayers for Florence MIL has her Surgery on 9/2
– Prayers for Boberry Gma with cancer not doing well
– GridIron Labor Day CONVERGENCE starting at 7am woth coffeteria to follow – RSVP to Fireman Ed & Jville for breakfast
– Week Two of the IRON PAX CHALLENGE at NoToll 9/8 – see Preblast/Slack for details (register HERE: https://f3greenwood.com/2020/08/06/2020-ironpax-challenge-preblast/)
– 10/3 is the 2nd Annual First Inaugural Retreat – Sign up on the F3RVA Challenges Spreadsheet for your cornhole team
– Keep a lookout for details on an F3RVA version of BRR out on the Capitol Trail this October
Perennial ryegrass exfoliating scrubs are super expensive at the spa but you can save all that money and get them free at NoToll.
That one was brutal. I may have a nightmare where I hear the EMOM tone and jump out bed to do 3 burpees. Also the grass level was very high even for no toll. I found a piece of grass in my eye lash, at 8pm yesterday.