Two Hot Potato Warriors showed up this morning for a humidity filled 45 minutes of body conditioning. In typical Batteau fashion the hot potato was warming in the oven, and Double Mint put on his work gloves and picked it up.
We started with a mosey on down to to top of the steps near the storage yard for some lite stretching. First order of business was side straddle hops, then Don Quixotes, russian solders, then a few other stretches that are escaping YHC.
YHC picked up the potato having just read the Exicon at the stop lights on the drive over, and had some ideas. Moseyed on down to the bottom of the hill of ill repute for a little modified B.O.M.B.S action. First person runs to the first light pole and back again, while the second person is churning through 100x Burpees, 100x Over-Head Claps, 100x Merkins, 100x Big Boy Situps – which became regular WW2s, and 100x Squats. Finishing all of this in record time YHC and Double Mint had to go back up the hill some how.
Lunges up to the first light pole then 100 flutter kicks, mosey up to next light pole and 50 WW2s, mosey up to the next light pole and 50 LBCs. By that time it was getting close so mosey on back to the flag for a final bit of sweat.
Freddie Mercury’s, Fudskies, and Wilsons, and that is a wrap.
Moleskin: It was a good humid morning and YHC was very glad to have some company. Happy to hear the good news on Double Mint attaining his Black Belt in Taekwondo (correct me if I am getting that right). YHC barely has time to make dinner every night while Double Mint has been putting in the extra effort to attain this amazing accomplishment. Very impressive, so big congrats. I wish him well on his next adventure in Boxing!
Bonus points to anyone who can name the type of boat in the picture!
See you all in the Gloom.
1 Comment
Hells yes – those burpees were B.R.U.T.A.L.