Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Say hello to my little friend


4 men started their hump day by throwing around some iron and reacquainting themselves with an old friend, Eric aka Deadweight.

  • COP
    • SSH x 20
    • Arm Circles x 10 small, 5 big; Reverse
    • Imperial Walkers x 10
    • Helicopters x 10
    • Russian Soldiers x 10
    • Don Quixotes x 10
    • Alternating Lunges x 10
  • Time for a little game of rabbit and tortoise, the F3 way. One person will carry Deadweight (the tortoise), the remaining PAX will bunny hop (the rabbits). The race was from one light pole to the next. The loser(s) will do 3 burpees. Rinse and repeast until all PAX became a tortoise.
  • The 300 circuit – 3 PAX members will do an exercise (KB swings, goblet squats and demon crushers w/ situp press. The 4th PAX will be the timer and carry Deadweight from one parking lot island to the next island then back. Rotate stations until the PAX cumulatively completes 300 reps on each exercise.
  • 5 minutes left, sling shot around the parking lot, boat canoes, flutter kicks with kb presses and end with some stretching.
  • Numberama, namerama, No Idea took us out.
  • Great work gents, thanks for letting me lead today.

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