Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



Seven strong hit the schoolyard this morning to make the start of their day count. After Keymaster showed up to make it an uneven number of PAX, this is what went down:

Mosey around the Commonwealth, Hanover, Westmoreland block to loosen up. Circle up in front of the school for:


Dead Man Hang Regular, Right over Left, Left over Right

Russian Soldiers

Copperhead Squats

Imperial Walkers




Mosey to the track for:

4 Corners around the track:

Round 1: 20 dips, 15 decline merkins, 10 burp-ups, 5 pull-ups (audibled to Jump Squats because of the lake under the pull-up bars)

Round 2: 20 incline merkins, 15 jump squats, 10 burpees, 10 Lt. Dans

Mosey over to field for:

Touch-A-Tree DORA:

Partner up and complete as a team 100 x HR Merkins, 200 WWII Sit-Ups, 300 SSH’s. Partner runs and touched 2 different trees along Cary Street each trip.

Mosey over to Cary and Commonwealth for:

Burpee Road:

2 burpees at each light pole on Commonwealth from Cary to Grove


Reverse Crunches


Numbers, Names, Announcements and Shiplap took us out!


Everyone was surprised to see Hitchhiker appear in the gloom after he had to cut his Q short yesterday after he rolled his ankle. We guess he didn’t want to lose track of Swirly in #bigdata standings.

Larger numbers this morning than what YHC had guessed because of Bone Thugs’ VQ. YHC hopes it went well over at The Forge. Bodo’s enjoyed having YHC Q two days in a row and Shiplap continues to post regulary and make himself better! Well done, Shiplap! Always good to see YHC’s neighbor, Keymaster in the gloom and to see Westham’s strong duo of Pucker and Upchuck! Well done, all!

“Question of the Morning” goes to Hitchhiker: “In English, how do you describe a light post that is shining light?”

Have a great day!



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  1. Fun fact the 1990s SoCal power punk band Lit was originally called Stain, but had to change their name to Lit when they found out another band had the name.