Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Insert clever title here


The 5 core principles of F3 on display across the RVA region today as #HIMs decided to wake up and take the DRP. It was one of those mornings as a Q that you know there is a VERY real possibility that not a single pax may show up as driving rains from a named tropical storm passing right over the area at launch time. Yet on the other hand, it is one of the those mornings as a Q that you know the mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. Therefore, it is understood that as the Q, there is also a VERY real possibility that there will be pax at the AO needing that extra support and I for one am not going to miss my opportunity to be there for them, even if the Great Sky Q is blessing us with ample hydration.

3rd F:

  • TAP for F3 MECA member Fafegugen as he recovers from being hit by a police car while running in the Gloom
  • Tobit on Q this evening for Tuesday virtual 3rd F

2nd F:

  • October 3rd is the 2nd Annual retreat. See Vinny for details. PreBlast to be out soon
  • Due to all the road races being closed down: Socializing the idea of a 10k / Half Marathon Beer run. Hitting 6 breweries in late October early November. 1/2 Marathon will hit all 6 and meet the 10Kers at stop 4 along the way. Will be one fixed price that includes a pint at each stop, plus a little extra for a local charity. Preblast to come out soon with stop locations

1st F:

The Thang:
Like Mike Tyson once said.. Everybody has a plan until you get punched in the mouth. Welp, YHC had the weinke planned out for a good ole’ fashion WIB called Cage Fight. But when its literally raining so hard that the parking lot is a minor lake, its time to Improvise, Adapt, and Over Come. So move on to plan B.

Flanked on either side by VMI; with one being an alumni and one entering in 11 days, YHC didn’t really think rain was a valid excuse to back out of this one. Modifications are called for, but its time to launch this party.

Time to mosey:
Move to the far side the school to a covered breeze way. ( although it did not matter if it was covered. we were already soaked when we got there.)

1st Exercise: BLIMPS

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Lunges each leg
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Merkins
  • 25 Plank Jakes
  • 30 Squats

2nd Exercise: 4 corners (Modified to a breezeway)

1st round: 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Merkins and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 diamond and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Wide Arm and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Carolina Dry-Docks and return to start and 2 Burpees

2nd round: 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Squats and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Summo Squats and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Lunges and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Reverse Lunges and return to start and 2 Burpees

3rd round: 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 WW2s and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 LBCs and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 American Hammers and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Hells to heaven and return to start and 2 Burpees

4th round: 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Merkins and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Squats and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 WW2s and return to start. 2 Burpees run to far side of breeze way 10 Burpees.

Time to Mosey: To the Basketball court

3rd Exercise: 7s
One side of court is Merkins other side is Bomb Jacks
Count down was 1 Merkin/6 Bomb Jacks, 2 Merkin/5 Bomb Jacks, 3 Merkin/4 Bomb Jacks… 6 Merkin/1 Bomb Jacks.

4th Exercise: Modified burn-out (3 cycles)
Pax 1 in peoples chair doing air press, Pax 2 LBCs, Pax 3 is timer running to far side of basketball courts and back.
Pax 1 running, Pax 2 peoples chair, Pax 3 LBCs
Pax 1 LBCs, Pax 2 running, Pax 3 Peoples chair.
Time for one more cycle
Pax one Donkey kicks, Pax 2 American hammers , Pax 3 running (same rotation as before.)

Time to mosey back to AO launch

5th Exercise: BLIMPS
Just enough time for one round of BLIMPS.

and DONE!! Time to go home and dry off.

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead this morning.
SYITG on Thursday at Circus Maximus!!



About Author

Raised in Hampton.. Two 2.0s.. Director of Expansion: Speed For Need.. F3 Nation Truebadour.. Brother in the Gloom.. A broken pax, but working daily to be better.


  1. Handshake (aka Elbow Bump) on

    Great Q Gypsy, I was surprised we didn’t have more regular Heartbreakers. Oh well, we were a merry bad of three.