7 SHowed for a Timberwolf beatdown today!
SSHs, Copperhead Squats, Helicopters, LBCs
Mosey to track!
Lady of the night!
Round 1 – 20 Squats, 40 Monkey Humpers, 60 Dry Docks, 80 LBCs
Round 2 – 80 LBCs, 60 Squats, 40 SSHs, 20 WWIIS
Back to the flag!
Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out!
Continue prayers for Honeymoons Dad, and Nancys Mom!
Boberry inquired about the Original Horsehoe since he had never experienced it! Today wasn’t the day! For once Wilson’s knowledge of not wanted to go in the woods won the argument! Strong work Men!
Extremely tough Q today Duke. I am spent. Great to see Tobit still floating while running and doing SSH! Good work fellas!
Nicely done sir. And yes I will take the heat over the cold. But it’s always 72 and sunny.
That was rough Duke! Excellent words at the COT brother.