5 guys showed up to topple the last da-pile. Here is what happened on the hot potato Q
Spike led his own workout running 7 miles before the rest of us joined him for the remainder of the workout!
Spit started off the bootcamp portion with the COP
SSH, DQ, Hillbillies, LBC’s Flutter kicks, Shoulder Taps, HRM’s Arm circles
Mosey off campus to the Atlee Station hill for a Dora
10 rounds of 10 merkins, 20 2ct flutters, 30 squats, Other partners run up the hill and back.
Passed on to Corned Beef
Crop Circle — Lunge around the traffic circle in Giles Farm, then alternate bear crawling and walking. Finally, ring of fire 5 v-ups while everyone flutterkicks, run to the end repeato until half way around the circle.
PAssed on the Bulkhead
Go even further off campus…
Bruce Lee ab workout.
6 ab exercises do 20 of each, then run up the hill and back
Repeato 3 times.
Opus is next
Get in a line on the sidewalk.
First person bear crawls to the next tree and starts doing prescribed exercises. Next person starts bear crawling when the first person reaches the tree. Continue till all have reached the tree.
Then the second person in line starts the process all over again. Repeato until the 5th person has gotten to go first. Exercises included jump squats, monkey humpers, flutterkicks, imperial walkers and one more YHC can’t recall.
Back to the flag…
NMS — Excited to get back to Dogpile, but will miss the camaraderie we have built up here the past few months since we started this!