Two groups of 10 (and TYA) posted to see Vinny off to Charlottesville (at least that is what I am going with). The encore:
COP: Mosey to and around the traffic circle to enjoy the new (and poorly laid) asphalt. Introduce myself to the audience, and away we go. Swirly Hangs x 10 / Helicopters x 10 / LBCs x 10 / Scorpion Kicks x 10.
Beast Theater: Mosey to our coupon dealer Penny to negotiate some coupons. Back down to the amphitheater for Beast Theater. On the way up the stairs, carry the coupon as you wish. On the way down, carry it above your head. Exercises at the 5th, 10th and 15th steps on the way up and back down (al la the Beast).
Round 1: Curls Round 2: Squats Round 3: Incline Merkins. Round 4: V-ups Round 5: Decline Merkins Round 6: Chuck Norris Merkins
Whatchamacallits (Jack Webbs): You know the drill. 1 to 10 / 4 to 40.
Merkin Egg Toss (Field Day was supposed to be today): Partner up. Go until we declare a winner. Variety Merkins x 10 in between rounds. Burpees included. Congrats to Wojo and Bodos for their asterisk Field Day victory, 2020.
6MOM: 100 Flutter Kicks (as if you didn’t see that coming).
TYA took us out.
NMS: This won’t serve as my “see you later” post (more to come), but to those of you who were there today, thank you. It really meant a lot. TYA really brought us home with his words. Please be reminded of them minute by minute. Hour by hour. Day by day. We are all brothers. But that only matters if we support each other, as brothers. Life matters. Respect matters. Civility matters. Let’s all be stewards for good and decency.
Awkward Transition / Observations: Hardywood is a soon to be Alpaca Farmer. Upchuck is a parking lot claims adjuster. Flatline is the real life Greg Faulker. Bone Thugs has coupons for llama insemination products. Doublemint is Minny Vinny. Gomer Pyle and I share an affinity for the general public. Wojo’s fiancé would get along well with Shakedown. Bodos YoYos. Handshake drinks White Claw out of bourbon bottles – allegedly. TYA can’t see, but man is he a looker. Circle K knows all about Biscuitville. Gumbo is alive and well. Rosie needs a leisure suit. Goldberg bought his wagon from the set designer of Breaking Bad. Slippin Jimmy loves Pandas.
Time for a 2 hour nap.
-Compton Vinny
Awesome send off brothers. Thanks for all the great Dogpile memories.
Compton Vinny – That may be the single best closing paragraph in a back blast ever. Great job with your leadership and candor this week. Your DNA is all over the men of F3 RVA and that thing you had us do on our knees today was killer. CVille is going to be lucky to have you. Apparently TYA was auditioning to be your new pool boy today.
“That thing you had us do on our knees” 🙂
Sorry to miss, Compton, but work calls. I will never forget when you were named at your first post, Slurpee’s Dogpile VQ (has he disappeared?). It has been a lot of fun times since and more to come. Maybe when you come back from Charlottesville to post, you can bring Bodo’s some Bodo’s.
Vinny, your workouts are always sneaky hard in that we go in thinking this is not bad and while in the thick of it we realize wow man this hurts! Jack Webb’s at the end counting down together and the 100 flutter kicks an exclamation for the morning. This month was my year anniversary for F3 and we were able to post together for many a gloom workout. I will see you in C’Ville when visiting the in-laws at their cabin. All I can say is “2 yoots!!!” Cheers….CB
TYA – awesome closing this morning and a reminder that F3 is a safe zone for all men (and 2.0’s) where we respect our differences and embrace one another in our journey to be fitter, better and spiritual men.
TYA, thank you. “I was looking for something that would make this ok. But, it’s not ok.”
Life moment, my friend.
Vinny, it’s been an honor. I love that you jumped into F3 hard…I remember when you told me you did your 100th workout (like 4 months after starting).
And, you lead. And innovate. Two of my favorite attributes.
But, you also spit, which is a lost art.
And, you are a trial lawyer. With honor.
And, you make F3 hard, which is what teaches us.
And I’m honored to call you my friend.
Cuz – so Grappler (F3Cville) was the reason I posted for the first time, but you were a big reason I kept coming back. Many thanks and go get some up there.
What will F3 RVA be without you Vinny?? Surely a lot less fun. We hope to see you lots brother. And bring me some bagels.
“Jumped in hard” might be the understatement of the century. Vinny jumped in body, mind and spirit, and most importantly heart. It was awesome to watch.
Your energy and friendship and leadership are powerful and boundless. Thanks for bringing us Field Day and the Retreat and leading those charges. Your mark will remain on F3 RVA in many ways. And, of course, we aren’t really letting you get away.
TYA – so powerful man. That was great. No excuses indeed. It was not ok. Work Hard and Be Nice … TO EVERYONE. It shouldn’t be hard. Thanks for the reminder.
Vinny, hate that I couldn’t be there physically to see you off, but you know I was there in spirit. SYITG soon.