An even 8 came out to Hoedown to see if Honeydo would show up to Q this week. Perfect spring weather for a beatdown:
COP: SSH, Russian Soldiers, Helicopters, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion kicks.
Mosey to the 3rd Dark lot for 4 corners: 10 burpees, 20 Merkins, 30 Reverse Crunch, 40 SSHs. Over to 3rd back lot, Partner up – Broad jump burpee length of lot – alternating. 2nd round – Polar bear.
Over to main lot: Lindsays of Carolina Dry Docks & Jump Squats. Over to TES blacktop- Partner up again for Wheelbarrow across & back. Head up to school field for attempt at Chazz Michael Michaels. Mutiny ensued and audible was called. Change up to 3 rounds of: 30 Donkey kicks, run across & 10 burpees.
Down to Triple check loop. Partner up for 4 rounds of 1 man runs loop while other doing 1 legged LBCs. Finish up with some Heels2 Heaven. YHC took us out.
NMS: More light and warmer temperatures in the gloom in May. Good to have 8 strong, although when Doozy and Last Call arrived with only Upchuck and YHC we were on the verge of a mini-SOJ takeover. Pucker ran in to the AO and was so sweaty nobody wanted to partner with him.
YHC wanted to do some partner work of limited sorts and when Wheelbarrows were called the PAX took it on with vigor. Not so much when the Chazz Michael Michaels were called. Maybe YHC should have tried for Jerkins over near the gym instead. We do need to figure out how to get some arm work in the gloom somehow. Oh well good to try new things out when Q’ing. Hopefully YHC made up for his Q fail last week.
Sorry to miss this morning, guys! The weather was perfect.
Forgot to mention you know the post workout conversation is good when you hop in you car and it is 6:45. Happy to cut my post workout nap short.
Whole lotta burpees today, Honeydo. Good stuff.
Good lesson for future Q’s: when the Q calls an exercise and GP responds with,”Do I have to stand facing you?” an audible may be in order.
Great to chat afterwards.
Nice Q Honeydo! Great to see everyone.
Gitty up.
Something about the whole scene: being behind the school, holding a mans legs, having other men watch, correction, having other SWEATY men watch – like a Rolling Stone article about to happen.
Too soon?