Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bistro 804 is now open


To celebrate the opening of Bistro 804 5 + 2 high impact men rolled out of the fartsack on a rainy morning. Here is how it went down, more or less.

Mosey Hepler, Paris, Forest to Tuckahoe Shopping Center

COP: DQ x10, Helicopter x10, IW x10, Chinook x10, WW2 x10, Hello Dolly x20.

20 corners. 4 corners x5. Run long ends. Alternate King Crab (Crab walk 5steps + 2 count Crab Cake) and Polar Bear (Bear Crawl 5 steps and merkin) on the short sides. 1 exercise each corner intended to attend to the whole man: body, soul, and spirit.

  • Tuckahoe Shopping Center
  • Walgreens
  • Offices of 3rd Church
  • 3rd Church Parking lot
  • 3rd Church Parking lot

Mosey BTTF. Handshake took us out. Prayers for friends and family with Covid.


Disappointed that Bodo’s did not find the PAX, we enjoyed the external assessment of the facilities. Glad he found Hitchhiker in the gloom, no small feat since he was dressed in Ninja black today. I know they d

For 4 corners, YHC did have 20 exercises lined up, but was so into the workout it just felt right for an audible, a few times.


5k hard way 4/24 RAMM

New west end Run Fridays at Godwin HS. 4/24 soft open.

Get some.


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  1. Nice work today Gents! 2 more parking lots in our circuit for next time. Thanks for the suggestions on the corner workouts.

    YHC favorite part was when Honeydo said I was doing Helicopters the hard way. Cant ever disappoint my DI SSG Henderson. YHC will never forget sawdust pit PT and proper hospital corners. Hoo-ah!

    Gitty up!

  2. and Bayonet drills…

    Q: There are two types of soldiers out there, the quick and the dead. Which one are you?
    A: The quick Drill Sergeant!
    Q: Show me your war face

  3. Gomer your face on the Helicopters was classic. Was disappointed we did not get a full 45 minutes of Bodos in board shorts he stole from Hardwood.