Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Manholes = Burpees


4 gathered at a good 10′ distance for some quick stretching exercises before we hit the hood for some miles!

Run to the back of the hood and from there we started burpees at every manhole we passed and increased from 1 too 2 at each. Total back and forth = 3miles and a butt load of burpees.

Strong work guys and keep your head up, we will get through all this together but for now it will be distancing…..


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  1. Owe that sucked. But just the suck I needed. Nice Q and must be some kind of record for fastest to post BB.

  2. WOW! Looks like a killer! Sometimes the fartsack is wiser thatn we are……….it proved to be that way today! Great work!