6 HBR stalwarts and 2 Spider Run regulars made it an even eight on a perfect spring morning. We did:
COP in fueling area: Invisible Jump Rope, Don Qs, Russian Soldiers, HRMs, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks. Mosey to DK wall for Dora 123:
100 HRMs, 200 Jump Squats, 300 Donkey Kicks. Runner goes length of blacktop and back. Atilla gave us a textbook 20 Count.
Over to covered area for Totem Pole Smokers: Hold 6 inches & last man does 5 Heels2Heaven. Then over to benches in front of school. 3 Sets of: 20 Dips, 10 Box Jumps, & 15 Derkins. Down to Heartbreak Hill. 3 times up, 10 V-Ups, 5 Jump Squats at the bottom. Back to flag for some sequential mary – American Hammers, APDs, Pickle Pounders.
Announcements & YHC took us out.
NMS: Another week another Spider Run regular makes his way out to Heartbreak Ridge. Today was unintentional as EF Hutton’s car was hit yesterday so he ran to the nearest AO which happened to be Heartbreak Ridge, aye.
Lots of groans on the Dora about the 300 Donkey Kicks. The Dora did take up a good while. The DK wall has just enough space for 4 sets of men on the wall in a safe distance range so might as well use it up. YHC was planning on another prison cell time on the tennis courts but with 8 PAX and only 3 full courts the audible to Dora was the call.
Mumblechatter centered on the lack of Dogpile backblast as of this morning at 5:29 am. Probation is living up to his name but YHC is sure he is working on a Marv’esque masterpiece. Still Probation might find out that his Corporate File is already overflowing when he learns that the Corporate file does indeed exist.
Once I get my rental car I’m gonna complete the rare Tuesday double dip and run the Spider Run route.
You can now Triple Dip on Wednesday’s…just sayin’