Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What do we do now?


5 of New Market’s finest posted for the latest edition of NM beat down. It went like this.

Run to clubhouse.

COP: 25 SSH, 10 Jazzercise, 10 DQ’s, 10 Cherry pickers, 20 IW’s, 20 Russian soldiers, 20 merkins, 20 LBC’s.

Mosey next store to new market 2. Run to each intersection or corner. Do 20 merkins at each stop (6-7 stops). Plank for 6 at model home. Continue circle doing 20 WWII’s at each stop (x6 more). Run back to clubhouse. Logged a good 1.5 miles in the circle? 12 minutes to go and Honeymoon shouted what do we do now (hence the name). Curby trot. Spaced 6 feet everyone get to a corner of the lot. Shuffle to next corner, flip shuffle to next corner then Bernie to next corner. Repeato for 2 lot circles. 5 minutes left. Ring of fire finish with merkins and plank. Great work this AM. Apologies for day late on post.

YHC took us out in prayer. Prayers to those with Covid-19 and to healthcare workers and to all those being impacted. Be the strength for others in this time of challenges. Honored to lead.


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  1. Apologies for the delayed post. Way to work New Market. Looking forward to getting back to the PAX.