Fourteen on February 14, as these love birds flew off on their routes.
The Route
6s head east on Grove and north on Revellie to Patterson. 4s/5s head north on Westmoreland. Everyone heads west on Patterson.
5s/6s turn right on Maple, left on Dustin, left on Pepper, left on Three Chopt, left on Grove.
4s turn left on Maple, left on Grove and a victory lap around the Mary Mumford block.
Shakedown took us out with thoughts and prayers going to Sugar Sock for the loss of his friend.
Usually Marv expresses his displeasure for YHC’s routes up front via commentary. In this case it seems he bottled it up for a few miles before visiting Starbucks en route. Afterwards, YHC thought he would return to the scene of this crime and pick up some Valentine’s Day coffee. Ah, coffee.
Hey! It’s Valentine’s Day!. Handshake described his shopping experiences last night getting the last of the flowers, cards, and chocolates. On completion of the story, Face Plant seemed in a hurry to depart. I believe he was in search of what’s left on the shelves of a CVS on the way home. Good luck buddy.
Loved the route today Lockjaw. The 6s questioned whether Revellie actually existed and when we found it, questioned why there was a road so close to Hamilton. Regardless, we found it and the rest was crystal clear.
I would have bet money I saw Shakedown traveling west on grove when we were coming back east but he was back at the VSF before us so obviously it wasn’t him. Beware of Shakedown dopplegangers out there.
We are legion. Beware indeed ?
Thanks Lockjaw. Good route. Great to run and talk with Bodos and Mad Dog.