Eighteen shivering somebodies emerged from the headlights with unabated excitement for today’s iteration of 45 Minutes of Mary. After minor banter about the possibility of the tuckahoe early risers leaving a deposit in Saab’s driveway, the PAX scurried off to the center of the basketball courts for:
SSH x0
Donald Quixotes x10
Helicopters x10
Mountain Climbers x20
Russian Soldiers x10
The Thang
Short mosey over to Reveille via Willetta and Ashlawn for a field trip, stopping at the Cary St side of the parking lot for our first segment of fun with partners. Wait a few seconds for Lab Rat’s mumblechatter to subside before relaying instructions:
Partner up. One partner does flutter kicks while the other partner runs to the first line, does 1 burpee, and comes back. Second partner also runs to the first line, does 1 burpee, and comes back while the first partner does flutters. Continue, adding a burpee and a line until you get to the end. 6 total lines. Kind of like a line drill but with burpees and a partner. This worked out well with little added instruction needed. Brief plank time while everyone finishes.
Mini fun run to the circle and find a new partner. One partner lines up around the arc of the sidewalk and performs WWIIs while the other polar bears around the circle. Complete 3 times before gathering the pax with various exercises including Al Gore, Donald Quixotes, and finishing with Cherry Pickers in cadence. Yes, cherries grow on trees.
Scurry out the parking lot and away from Reveille via Antrim by mixing in backwards running and forwards running until we got to the first parking lot by the greek church. Quick virtual high-five to BT who is apparently in Vegas but was with the PAX in spirit today. Triple up for triple check with boxing cockroaches while the third partner karaokes to the end of the parking lot and back. Three times. Plankorama led by Bodos for those who wanted to listen.
Time left over for some 4 corners with 4 corners of 10x merkins with various forms of running between corners. Second iteration alternate between merkins and jump squats before gathering the pax and heading back to the VSF.
Numbers (18 of them in fact), names, and then YHC took us out while a man and his dog awkwardly stared.
Lots of mumblechatter this morning as we had a vocal PAX. Energy level was high for an off campus field trip. YHC enjoyed the different scenery and hopes the PAX didn’t wake up too much of the neighborhood.
Great to see some old faces in a new year.
Flipper is only moderately upset with YHC for not accepting his JMU fight song challenge. Check out Facebook for his attempt to go viral.
Saab tried to get some extra stretching in but YHC surprised him with a Saab sized portion of SSHs during COP. Quick reaction time promptly got him in position to continue.
– See DTH for tshirt orders. Countdown is on!
– Winter tour is live and free!
– Slack is free!
– JMU plays at noon on Saturday on yes, ABC
Splinter out.
Excellent morning !
Well done Splinter!
Way to work guys.
See y’all in the gloom..
Nice Q, Splinter. I enjoyed the off campus work, if not the boxing cockroaches.
Way to go Swirly, Linked In, Bodo’s, and Faceplant.
Thanks to our resident Big Bird (I thought you looked familiar) for the Abe Vigoda-friendly COP and a fun field trip. Calling DQs after the polar bears was inspired.
To the Early Riser crew: Next time I’m coming out with my pellet gun….
“Bad days happen to everyone, but when one happens to you, just keep doing your best and never let a bad day make you feel bad about yourself.” — Big Bird
You will do boxing cockroaches and you will like it.
Sounds like a great Q! Way to work it Splinter.
“Everyone makes mistakes, so why can’t you?”