Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Wish J’ville a Happy Birthday


Four posted for the last Punisher of 2019. Backpedal across the parking lot for initial Circle of Pain with 25 x SSHs, 15 x IWs, 15 x Russian Soldiers, 15 x DQs, 15 x Hillbillies, Arm Circles (forward, reverse, big, and small), and 10 x Susan Somers (per side). Mosey off the lot and into the grass.

Begin Group Bearimeter, counter-clockwise, of front school yard. PAX member counts out ten Bearcrawl “steps”, then we all flip and complete 15 LBCs. Next guy counts out ten, then LBCs. And so on, taking turns counting and finishing LBCs. At each of the first three corners, we completed Lindsays – at the first one, Squats and Reverse Crunches; at the second one, Merkins and Mountain Climbers (single count); and at the third one, Overhead Presses (Jack Webb-style) and Flutter Kicks (single count).

Upon reaching the edge of the school wall, we halted the Bearimeter, hopped up and moved to school wall for People’s Chair variations – PAX members take turns counting down from 20 as we complete Regular People’s Chair, Right Leg Out, Left Leg Out, Right Leg to the Side, Left Leg to the Side, and Regular.

Finish with stretch and COT, and YHC took us out. Happy Birthday Johnsonville. Good having you back, Nightcrawler. Nice work EF Hutton and Dial-Up.


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