Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Dog Days of Winter


You are looking live at an unseasonably warm December day on the campus of the University of Richmond. This morning, fourteen men, and an energetic K-9, have gathered by the duck pond of one of the Southeast’s most expensive universities. Over the next 45 minutes, they will motivate themselves to run for forty-five, yes, forty-five consecutive minutes…beginning right here at 5 Richmond Way, and ending right here at 5 Richmond Way.

Some of these men will decide to run six miles. Other’s four. Another group will trundle for five miles.

But the story of the day is the addition of a two year old mixed breed, aptly named Onions. Onions will not start with the PAX, but there’s no doubt that she’ll finish with them and drag MARV along with him…down the hill from Baldwin.

It’s a tremendous atmosphere here among the trees of the University of Richmond…we’ll take a break, when we come back, we’ll start the race, the race we call Spider Run.

The Thang

Start at Richmond Way. Take a right at the baseball field…for the fours & fives…left between Robins Center and Football Stadium…for the 6s right beyond the right field wall of the baseball field.

Everyone left on college…right on Lakewood…left on Westham…right on University.

4s get to Ralston from University and then turnaround and double back.

5s and 6s take a left on Ralston, run by the Grinch Christmas Mobile to River Road. 5s turn around and double back from River Road.

6s take a right on River, then a left at Windsor on the James. Take the “first class loop” all the way around their neighborhood (commented that there weren’t a lot of Christmas lights on).

6s double back but take a left on Ridge. Then Right on Rock Creek. Right on Baldwin. That’s when we stopped to grab MARV’s Onions. Baldwin across Westham and then across Wood…cut through Fraternity Row, back to the Flag via the Robins Center parking lot where more people had the chance to caress MARV’s Onions.

6s Coversation Topic of the day–Rodents of different sizes. Humor Genes.


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