Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Dirty Pastrami


YHC was motivated to get the Tuesday started this morning and with 6 total this warm morning here is what went down:


20 SSH , 10 DQ, 10 Helicopters, Arm Circles 10 small 5 big, Reverso, 10 small 5 big, 10 Russian Soldiers, 20 LBCs, 20 merkins.


Dirty MacDeuce (new version below). YHC did some research and found a 4 rep gem with the following:

10 Step ups (each leg), 20 Wide Merkins, 30 Freddie Mercuries

Lap (Run Outer bus loop)

10 Step ups (each leg), 10 Diamonds Incline 10 Decline, 30 Flutter Kicks

Lap (Run Outer bus loop)

10 Step ups (each leg), 10 right arm forward and 10 left arm forward, 30 WW2 Sit ups

Lap (Run Outer bus loop)

10 Step ups, 20 Merkins and 30 LBCs

Lap (Run Outer bus loop) Plank for 6.

Mosey to the basketball court for the Cindy work out. 5 pull ups, 10 merkins and 15 squats. We partnered up and partner 1 ran suicides and wind sprints for 1 minute then switched with Partner 2 who was doing the pull ups, merkins and squats. We did this workout for 16 minutes where each team had 8 reps on this event.


We moseyed to the flag and did two minutes of ring of fire with 2 should taps folloed by 5 merkins, then two dry docks followed by 5 merkins.

Numberama, nameram and Spike took us out.

An honor to lead today and make it a great day. I will see you in the gloom …CB


About Author

I grew up in Roanoke, Va. Class of 1985 Cave Spring High, class of 1989 VMI Civil Engineering. Worked for Turner Construction in Jacksonville, Miami and Cincinnati, Moved to Richmond, Licensed Class A contractor, and work for Westminster Canterbury Richmond managing their major expansion for the next 4 years. I am married to a Librarian Betsy (UVA grad) and proud father of two awesome teenagers George (aka Hash-F3) and Lucy.

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