The season of hot potato Qs continue with a KB version at Circus Maximus this morning. Here is how it went down this morning:
- Johnsonville
- COP with merkins, SSH, DQ, IW
- 11 with burpees and snatches
- Loose Goose – series of partner run/lunges while another man performs double weighted exercise, which included curls, squats and overhead pulls
- White
- series of 10 sit ‘n presses followed by decreasing rest periods
- Boat/canoe
- COT with Johnsonville taking us out
No Circus Maximus next week as the PAX will converge at 45 MOM at 6 am. Prayers to TYA on the loss of his father. Good time of the year to be thankful for the PAX and their fellowship. The PAX learned today that we are not thankful for one stall men’s rooms at Wawa after Johnsonville has had gluten. The greater RVA area needs to be on high alert when such circumstances repeat.
Thanks to those that Q’ed today. God is good all of the time!
TYA’s father passed away 30 years ago – but he appreciates the thoughts and prayers !
He is having a tribute workout to his father next week at No Toll !
Good work men!
Open invitation for any of you (especially Salisbury guys) to join us on Monday mornings at 5:30 if you want more kettle bell action. For now, it’s an unofficial AO but we’re planning to do it regularly. You can text me if you want to make sure someone will be there.
Sorry, Monday mornings at Midlo Middle.