Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

19 years = 19 laps or AMLAP


YHC was joined in the gloom by 6 other willing PAX members and we crossed paths with a 7th along the way. Thanks, men, for coming out to help YHC start of his 19th wedding anniversary with a lap for each year…or close.

So, YHC checked the Q sheet late last night and it was empty. YHC thought this must be a sign that he needed to take it and attempt this feat. I’m sure the PAX was happy.

We took off at 0530 and headed for the JRHS track. The pace was great this morning, including LugNut’s sneak attack and roller-derby’esque slingshot to the front. Followed by Rosie’s afterburner pace that left all of us in the dust.

Alas, only Rosie accomplished the goal, but everyone enjoyed no hills, even if it resulted in a bit of boredom.

Great work men. Thanks for celebrating with me!


  • Contribute to Raise and force YHC and Vinny to grow mustaches from 11/1 to 12/7. Better yet, contribute and grow with us. And, get your Hawaiian shirt ready for The Second Annual Magnum PI Day at Dogpile, 12/7/19.
  • Continued prayers for Marv’s mom and Cerrano’s dad. And, any others in need.

Great morning for some laps…right? Even Don Draper thought so. He was already on the track when we got there and I believe still there when we left. Way to work brother.

Thanks for posting men. Running weather is upon us finally!

No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. Congrats Gumbo, thanks for leading! That was pretty impressive how you made the track go uphill both ways.

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary Gumbo!

    Rosie was passing me like I was standing still. Lug Nut was most definitely moving fast as well. Good morning for a run guys. I enjoyed it.