Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A typical Wednesday


YHC has been somewhat of a regular at the Wednesday morning SOT. It’s been a good challenge for me and have enjoyed trying to come up with a workout for the group. However, despite the regular role as Q, there remains room for improvement and today was no different. Confirmed rumors of a no cadence warmup delivered by Fresh Prince at No Toll left YHC with a new option to consider. Alas…

The warmup happened. YHC started strong and faded. Side Straddle Hops, Windmills, Don Quixote’s, Merkins and LBC’s were dished out. We won’t talk about this anymore. Off to The Thang..

The Thang:

Run a half lap. 10 burpees

Run a half lap. 10 burpees, 25 merkins

Run a half lap. 10 burpees, 25 merkins, 50 single leg lunges

Run a half lap. 10 burpees, 25 merkins, 50 single leg lunges, 100 WWII’s

Run a half lap. 10 burpees, 25 merkins, 50 single leg lunges, 100 WWII’s, 150 deep knee bends. (We made it about 1/2 way through the 2nd round of this one).

Overall, this was a toughie.

Mozey back to the flag for numberrama, namearama, annoucementarama.

Welcome to FNG Lone Wolf (initially FourSnips, but an audible was called by Gumbo, Bullseye and YHC post workout). LW is a transplant from Cali, but has lived in VA for many years. He has 4 girls and a wife (hence the Lone Wolf nickname) and is active and supportive in their activities. Great to have you part of the crew and look forward to seeing you out in the group once again.

Other announcements – Gumbo and Vinny have their Grow a Stash for the Cash fundraiser underway.

Honeymoon closed us out in prayer.

Gents – always great spending time with you in the morning. Largely at my expense, but some good mumblechatter and laughter today. Great day to be out in the gloom with you! Hope you had a great day.


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  1. Well done OC. That was a crusher. The burpee-merkin combo really sucked, and 100 WWIIs more than once…never again! My shoulders and abs are screaming.

    Lone Wolf – welcome. Keep coming out. It isn’t always as chatty as this morning, but it is always a great start to the day.

    For the record, the initial name was to be Forceps…since he is a medical device sales rep. But…we wanted him to come back.