Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

This One is Heavier


9 high-brow West Enders and 1 Powhatanian landed at F3RVA’s darkest AO this morning to beat some drums and wake up the neighbors. Fortunately, we were all able to work through our previous commitments with Downtown Abbey, Hamilton, picking up dry cleaning, and Tea & Crumpets prior to 0530 to be able to get to work in the gloom today.

The Q showed up with pickup bed full of truck tires, and thanks to the help of a few of the PAX we had them out and ready to go in short order. Here’s how it went down:

Mosey around the bus loop 2x and back over to the East end of the parking lot next to the tires.

Disclaimer & Warmup COP:- Invisible Jump Rope x20- DQ x10- LBCs x20- APDs x20- Decline hand-release merkins on tires x10 OYO

Triple check:- Pax 1 flip tire across short width of parking lot and back- Pax 2 do 20 merkins then plank- Pax 3 do WWII sit-ups

Tabata: step ups on tires for 20 seconds on / 10 seconds off for 4 minutes

Mosey a lap around the bus loop and back to the tires

Rolling tire races: Line ’em up and roll the tires across the length of the parking lot to the cones at the end and back. Take the competition through a bracket to determine the winner (EF Hutton & Bodos with the photo finish!). The rest of the PAX does core exercises and dodges out of control tires.

Cool down COP:- Rosalitas- Freddie Mercuries- Ring of Fire


Thanks for indulging YHC this morning in an unconventional Q. The objective was for a fun but challenging change of pace. As expected, those tires were heavy and difficult to flip! A few other items were planned but we ran out of time.

Also a shout-out to McCarthy Tire in Rockville for the props today, despite the expectation that these “small” tires were to be used for some kids. The tires will be returned tomorrow, as YHC did not want to have to move them again today…

10 / 3 = 3 R1 . . . OR . . . 10 mod 3 –> either would have worked better to figure out the Triple Check logistics than the Q’s fuzzy math. Turns out we had an extra tire. Who knew?

Great job in the tire races, it was just as funny as YHC had dreamed it up to be. The best part had to be Handshake chasing the runaway tire as it threatened to invade the good people of Westham.

Great Tires of Fire!

-Loose Goose


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  1. Thanks for leading this morning, Goose!

    It was certainly an interesting trip across the river this morning to experience my occasional dose of Tuckahoe culture shock. I was not disappointed by the mumble chatter focused on Downton Abbey and Hamilton. Although, for West Enders, I was surprised at how good y’all were at flippin’ tires! The PAX of SOJ may have our hands full at the next F3RVA Field Day event!

    Also, not mentioned in the NMM… apparently, my Facebook friend vetting process has reached legendary status. Background checks and references will be required for all future friend requests, regardless of the number of mutual friends we may have in common or how recently we may have partnered in an F3 workout. Thanks Handshake for never letting me live that one down! Who wants to play ”Six Degrees of Alex Bruster”?

  2. Nice use of props Goose. Flipping tires takes it out of you fast. Just amazed nobody got hurt. Shame those tires need to be returned…

  3. I’m still wiling to stash them at an AO if someone else will agree to take ownership of moving or disposing them if/when the time comes. I don’t want to have to figure that out…

  4. Loose Goose that was a serious labor of love to acquire those tires, haul them to the AO, and then bring them back. Thanks for doing that and for providing a really fun morning!

  5. Dang it. I was on time (barely) when a pine painting crew on Westbound Cary stopped me for 5 min this morning.

    Mousetrap, I didn’t think they allowed Powhatan residents through the Tuckahoe checkpoint gates?

    In other news, was going to mention in announcements, come out to Munford Thursday for a Greenbow Q (celebrating 1 year).