Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

There’s always that one guy, but today there may have been two……………………….


Twenty two men and one young lady showed up on a dark cool morning for what?? The annual Stage Workout!

Here’s how it went down.


Everyone gathered on stage, got paired up in threes and were assigned a station curls, tricep press, squat, WWI & run around theater. The people on stage did the called out burpee until song was over. Stations rotated, three off stage when runners came back from lap (went back to stage). Burpees included – One leg,feet in twice, Jumpling split leg, lunge, knees to elbow, high knee, deep squat (Helix style), superman (these really sucked), jogging (20 seconds in between burpee) and regular burpee. When the hour was up put the blocks neatly on the left lower side of stage for future use (note to any future Q’s). Thanks to Gomer Pile for keeping us in line and ensuring the blocks were neatly stacked.


YHC doen’t Q veryoften anymore, but I ablsoutely LOVE this workout (even with the added running). We did learn a few things. Greenbow might hate running as much as YHC and needs to be called out when trying to shorten the course (its you against you buddy)! AND Flipper missed his calling. While being a dynamic, charasmatic front man might have passed him by, he is the one guy YHC would put in the air guitar competition without question. Amazing show and I cannot wait for the encore. If you were not there…………………..well I hope you enjoyed your vacation, ’cause Flipper is AMAZING. Well done buddy! Here is the song list if you choose to add to your cassette tape collection.

It was a please to lead this and thank you for the mumble chatter. It was GREAT! Have a wonderful weekend!


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  1. What a pleasure to lead today. I love this workout and look forward to seeing everyone at Timberwolf Monday. Flipper & Greenbow……………thanks for the laughs. You all rock. Also – to all out BRR runners – be safe and plant your corn early!

  2. Great song selection and I had the pleasure of being on stage with Flipper as he was the group ahead of us and felt lonely when his group left the stage. I hate burpees but the music helped get my mind off the tough variations. Look forward to next year!

  3. First.. you are never too old to be a dynamic and charismatic front man…second I now worry that I looked exactly like this dude in real life while in my mind I was Axl Lee Roth Vedder.

  4. One of the best prision workouts I’ve ever completed outside of prision.

    Good reminder to bring cinderblocks (& music?) into the workout for maximum destruction. Approaching my 1-year at F3, I fondly recall bricks and a cinderblock at my very first workout, thanks Upchuck (although portable speakers might not be as welcomed at our neighborhood AOs).
    It’s part of how I immediately knew “these are my people”.

    Also, I’m just starting to feel the pain of this one today. Yikes.
    Warden Wilson did a great job and I’ll look forward to seeing this one every year.