Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

70’s Era Trim


24 gents descended upon dogpile to experience a geriatric-led workout consisting of light calisthenics and tai-chi style stretching…this is what transpired, more or less:

COT: Don Quixote’s (abe Vigoda style of course), helicopters, arm circles (wide-only please), scorpion kicks.

Half Pipe: Donkey Kicks on one side, run to the other side and perform jump squats. Start at increments of 5 up to 20 each.

Going down for a little love: Assemble partway down Love-Hill. Partner runs to the bottom then back while rotating through the following exercises: Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Crab Walk, Polar Bears. Finish at bottom.

Single Triple Check: One partner runs pipe loop while other two perform flutter kicks and WWII’s respectively. Cease after one rotation due to time constraints.

Catch Me if You Can: Partner runs backwards, other partner does 3 burpees, catches partner, then rotate.

Lindsay (sort of): 10/30, C-Head Squats and LBC’s. Run up hill (backwards initially, then forwards).

Merkin Ring of Fire, then Burpee Shuffle


Due to varying injuries and other lame-ass excuses, it had been some time since YHC has Q’d a bootcamp – particularly a Dogpile. Nevertheless, it was cathartic and served as a terrific start to the day. We also had the benefit of receiving friends from other regions (Dr Evil) and our very own semi-regular Guinness. We also had 2.5 FNG’s: Foley, WhiteClaw, and VoiceMail…(VoiceMail get’s only 1/2 since his first Q was a Puppy Pile….YHC speculated he was brought there by some older gentleman). Some other brief observations and considerations from today’s workout…

  • YHC is sorely out of practice Q’ing as evidenced by his continual adjustments due to time constraints. As the expression goes, “my eyes were bigger than my stomach”
  • Apparently I have not completed puberty given my voice-changes during the COP
  • City of Richmond remains sporadic in their grass cutting…The PAX got a face full of un-trimmed grass during the Merkin ring of fire
  • Great time at Ellwood’s today. We look forward to TYA’s appearance on Antique’s RoadShow someday when he attempts to pawn his collection of 70’s era entertainment periodicals. Even Chewbacca probably shaved now and then.


If you have any plans in attending the retreat in September please respond to Vinny’s back blast.

Saab abides


About Author

One who abides and is prone to sophomoric and juvenile humor.


  1. Heck of a Q, Saab! It was like you had done it before, plenty of times. Flatline would be proud of your voice cracks. Way to work, all! Have a great weekend!

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Excellent beatdown Saabski !
    Enjoyed it fella’s – way to work.
    See y’all in the gloom !