20 men and 1 young lady showed up to Mary Munford to find out what kind of beatdown was planned and this is what they found:
Mosey to blacktop and line up along near side. SSH and butt kickers to far side of blacktop. DQs and high knees across blacktop. Helicopters and karaoke to other side.
Mosey to west side of field and line up. Run to first tree and perfomr 1 WWII. run back to starting position and perform 1 merkins. Run to second tree and perform 2 WWII. Run back to starting position to perform 2 merkins. Repeato for all 11 trees.
Mosey down sidewalk to corner nearest Windsor Farms for Light Pole Burpees. At first light pole perform 1 burpee. Run to second light for to perform 2 burpees. Repeato for all 10 light poles.
Mosey around the block the long way to the tennis courts for suicides. Regular suicide followed by 25 LBCs. Ascending burpees suicide followed by 25 LBCs. Mosey to side of school for Chicken Pecker Ring of Fire. Starting on both sides each PAX perform 5 Chicken Peckers and pass to next PAX.
Mosey back to VSF for 2 minutes of holding six inches.
Numberama, Namearama and 7-11 took us out with a prayer.
Be intentional. Get it Done today and everyday gentleman.
Circle K
Well done this am gents. Thanks for the opportunity to lead
Solid Q Circle K !
Well done guys !
See y’all in the gloom…
Good one, CK! Way to take us out, 7-11!
Get it done!
Have a great day, all!