9 duffers and one prospective member set their sights on hoisting the F3 Jug as the 10 embarked on the Championship at the Munford Club. Aligned with a similar schedule to the Open currently being held across the pond, this morning featured 1 (main) practice and 4 tournament rounds, each serving with a Par of 72.
Driving Range/COP
Mosey to grassy patch east of the tennis courts to hit some shag balls
Scoring Par on Holes 1 thru 4 at Portrush yields a 16 = 16 Burpees
F3 Welcome, Moniker, Disclaimer.
Practice shots included SSH, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins. Loose? Let’s Mosey.
The Thang
Par 3 Tourney/Practice Round
Mosey to the outdoor dip bars/mulch bed. Some semblance of a OYO Triple Check. YHC fumbled the instructions, but remember, this was a practice round. Kudos to Slippin Jimmy on banging out Bar Dips.
- 12 Merkins
- 12 Dips
- 12 Jump Squats
- Repeato
Scoring Par on holes 5-8 yields at 17 = 17 Burpees as a PAX, 33 through 8
Tourney Time – Couple of Par 4 (Corners)
Mosey to the blacktop for 2 rounds of 4 corners. Run in between stations
- First Corner – 18 Hand Release Merkins
- Second Corner – 18 Jump Squats
- Third Corner – 18 Monkey Humpers (should have audibled to gopher humpers)
- 4th Corner – 18 Box Cutters
- Repeato
Option to elect a caddie/partner for Holes 9-12. Par yields 16 more burpees, 49 through 12.
Modified Big 11s called out at 8s but were actually Big 9s – Par 5 Length
Mosey to the sideline of the big “football” field.
8 Merkins/ 1 WW II Sit Ups and work to the end of the spectrum. Run the length of the field in between sets. Felt like we chased that little white ball around all morning. Should have yielded 36 Merkins and 36 WWIIs.
PAX was in? Handshake with a 20 count before the PAX crested Holes 13-15.
11 more strokes for 11 more burpees, score is 60 through 15.
Indigenous Peoples Run/Highlander Scoot along Cary Street, the block Wesmoreland and the block of Grove back to the Pin. Circle up to honor YHC’s score for the last round of golf YHC played (best ever, may never repeat).
- 24 flutter kicks
- 24 alabama prom dates
- 24 LBCs
- 16 Reverse Crunches
Last 3 holes on par yielded a 12 evening out the final round at 72 Burpees.
Finished strong with Merkin (different variation each PAX member) Ring of Fire.
Practice Round – 72
- R1 – Par 4 – 72
- R2 – Par 4 – 72
- R3 – Par 5 – 72
- R4 – Burpees – 72
- Ring of Fire: 100 YHC’s New Goal of # of rounds played each year (have a long way to go).
- HDHH Next Week
- Puppy pile not hosted by Marv this Saturday?
- Early Risers this Saturday. Mumble chatter suggests start around when the first golfers tee off EST?
- Prayer Requests – Vinny and Slippin Jimmy’s Fellow Swim Team Parent, P-Trap and Red Tape’s friend Alexandra (concussion), Exit Row on speedy recovery
- P-Trap took us out.
Welcome Red Tape. Great to have you join in for the fun this morning. Look forward to seeing you post again.
Was a pleasure to lead this morning, Gentleman. Hope y’all enjoyed the theme.
Solid WOJO – enjoyed the Open theme !
Well done guys !
See y’all in the gloom…
Really not sure what I just read, sounds fun though.
I believe Puppy Pile is 7/27. Never been to one but plan to be there this time. Maybe a Hot Potato is in order.
The U.S. Tennis Open is in August/September, in keeping with the theme. Welcome Red Tape.
Nice morning! Good Q, Wojo. Welcome, Red Tape!
This how YHC would hit a golf ball after this morning