Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Soupy and Poopie

Two students with thumbs up

Eight frolickers gathered in the thick mustard this morning, joined by an extra credit 2.0 for today’s rendition of WDog. Circle around the flag to start sweating, wait for Posh to come in hot, then off we went for a jog by the entrance of Maymont and over to Shields lake.

7 Don Quixote’s
17 Copperhead Squats
78 SSH
8 Burpees
34 LBCs

The Thang
Partner up for no good reason and mosey to the nearest hill. Bear crawl up the hill, 10 merkins, crawl bear down, 10 merkins. Repeat for a total of 3 ups and downs.

Mosey over to the nearest sidewalk and partner up for good reason. Partner 1 runs to the base of the staircase, up the stairs and returns while the other partner performs exercises. 3 iterations with exercises being burpees, jump squats, monkey humpers.

Wait around for Wojo only to realize he is visiting somewhere on campus so we collected EF Hutton and mosey’d around Shields lake to the south stone wall. Line up in derkin position on the wall, first person in line completes 5 derkins then runs to the front of the line. Continue two times through the line.

Line up in dip position on the wall. First person completes 10 dips and then runs to the front of the line. Modify from reverse plank to flutter kicks to freddie mercuries. Congrats to Saab for watching Bohemian Rhapsody. Two times through then mosey to the nearest hill.

Clockwork merkins. 20x at 3, 6, 9, and 12 positions. Careful to navigate around the land mines left by the ducks and geese.

Work our way back up to Spottswood for a final push of sprints, squats, reverse sprints, lunges. Repeat twice then run back to the flag for 3 minutes of Mary including LBCs, Hammers and Flutter Kicks.

I learned something new today. Luke Bryan’s birthday is today.

Numbers, names, and YHC took us out.

It was warm. It was moist. It was aromatic over by Maymont. Great job by everyone showing up and pushing through this fine midsummer RVA morning.

Saab was trying out a new type of SSH this morning. Sorry you hate regular ones so much but they are a good full body warm up. Keep practicing brother.

Everyone pushed hard today including Jaws who is working on a summer fitness program required through school. Multiple referencers to Mark Harmon in Summer School quickly occurred.

Stay cool everyone. It’s a gross one out there.

Early Risers this weekend. 4:00am. Have fun.
Puppy Pile the following weekend. Marv will join via skype from Japan.

Piles of Big Data out there just waiting to be cleansed.



  1. Great Q and excellent picture. It’s time to introduce Jaws to Summer School ($2.99 rental on Amazon Prime for those interested. How does it only have a 62% on Rotten Tomatoes?!?!)

    By the way, Francis “Chainsaw” Gremp is bald now. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0131541/

  2. If Jaws completes her required phys ed hours do they get to screen a viewing of Texas Chainsaw Massacre? I’m down for a viewing of Courtney Thorne-Smith, I believe she’s held up quite well.

    Was that Wonder Mutt that walked by at the end?

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Happy Birthday dude !
    Good field trip today.
    Never seen so much duck poop…
    Way to work pax..
    See y’all in the gloom…

  4. Happy Happy Splinter!!

    Had to detour to a friendly blue container so I could make it through the rest of the workout. Sometimes the coffee hits earlier than other days….

  5. Happy Birthday buddy! Had I known I would have brought you a copy of Hot Tub Time Machine – The Sequel.

    I’ll be having visions of goose poop all day…only slightly better than the vision of Handshake coming at me wearing nitrile gloves.

  6. I looked up while doing Monkey Humpers to having Saab’s a$$ in my face, that was an interesting way to start my day. Saab is a rambunctious individual.

    Splinter, I think you said your grandmother grew up swimming in those lakes. If so, I hope the Canadian Geese that crap everywhere still migrated back to Canada during the summer in those days, there is no way you could pay me to swim in them now.

    Happy Birthday!

  7. Indeed she did. Apparently before 1955 as that’s when the city closed it for swimming.

    crowd swimming