Friday, September 20
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A Punisher Q…. Two Years in the Making


5 fellas ready to beat the heat gathered at Linwood Holton School for YHC’s return to The Punisher after a 2 year hiatus. It’s at an am version of The Punisher YHC made his F3 AO debut following a year so stint (and F3 intro) in the Buckeye State . YHC’s first bout with The Punisher featured a PAX of 5 (shouts to Splinter on the Q, Honeydo, Offshore, Flipper and YHC to round out) so it felt appropriate to share that same number this evening.

6pm….. Let’s Mosey.


Mosey over to the Basketball court for the F3 Welcome, Intro and Disclaimer

  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 Russian Soldiers
  • 10 DQs

The Thang

Exercise 1 – Escalator

Run the bus loop for 5 loops. After each loop complete an exercise:

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 20 Merkins
  3. 30 Jump Squats
  4. 40 Mtn Climbers
  5. 50 Reverse Crunches. Al Gore for the Six.

Exercise 2 – Doracides

Mosey back to the Basketball blacktop and line up on the base line. Doracide Explanation (YHC omitted the burpees). With a prime number this became a OYO exercise

  1. Run suicide to a well placed metal back chair, to a placed, empty sprite bottle and to the opposite baseline
  2. 50 Copperhead Squats
  3. Repeato suicide
  4. 100 Monkeyhumpers
  5. Repeato Suicide
  6. 150 LBCs
  7. Repeato Suicide…. Plankarama.

Exercise 3 – Front and Side Lunge Combo

Utilizing the outdoor classroom area for Horticulture perform alt lunges on the vertical sides of the garden boxes and alternate side lunges based on how you’re currently “maze-ing” through the garden. Repeato on the way back.

Exercise 4 – Escalator (Again?!)

The PAX left enough time to repeat Exercise 1. YHC can confirm it was not easier despite the sun hiding behind a cloud.

Mosey back to the flag. 10 DQs (Super Saab cadence) to stretch it out on a sweltering RVA evening.


  • Retreat in September …. see the BB
  • Puppy Pile Soon… Marv is not the Q
  • Early Risers this Weekend?
  • Ultimate tomorrow at Heartbreak Ridge

Prayers to Exit Row. Lift he and his family up as he recovers. The PAX is here for you, Brother!

Was an absolute pleasure leading this fine group for the last week*. Here’s to an incredible first 2 two years in Richmond, Virginia, a place I’m so lucky to call “Home.” A place that welcomed me with open arms, helped me grow, and introduced me to the gal that makes me want to scratch and claw a little bit harder each and every day. Here’s to the many memories, experiences and years ahead.

Thus concludes the Week* of Wojo.


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  1. Great job Wojo! Way to get it don’t this past week. I was sore from Monday all the way through to Friday.

  2. I remember that one, Wojo don’t play on lunges. Can’t believe that’s been 2 years.