Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

DaVille Ghost Flag Takeover


15 fighters didn’t use the “it is the day before the convergence” excuse and showed up to a DaVille ghost flag takeover of WDog that went something like this…

Opus started with the Q.

Mosey to the amphitheater

COP All IC – Arm circles, 10 helicopters, 10 tempo merkins, 10 hillbillies, 20 smurf jacks.

Triple Check – Box jumps, skull crushers, run up to the top of the amphitheater and back.

The Carpenter took the Q

Mosey to the back of the amphitheater to the top of “the valley.”

4×4 Valley

Partner up. One partner runs down the hill and back up to the tree on the other side and back to the start while doing one 4×4 in the valley, one 4×4 by the tree, one 4×4 back in the valley. The other partner does flutter kicks. Each partner goes three times into the valley and back.

Repeat with one 4×4 by the tree on the other side while the other partner does SSHs. Each partner goes three times.

Spit took the Q

Mosey to the far side of a Carillon down the road to the bottom of the hill.

Bent Jacob

Do 5 merkins, 5 polar bears while criss-crossing the road, run to the top, do 5 burpees, run back to the bottom. Repeat with 4-3-2-1. Spit audibled to going halfway up the hill after a few rounds.

Native American run back to the flag with a Ghost Flag twist. The PAX broke into two groups – DaVille and everyone else. Start the Native American run in those two groups with the last guy doing a burpee before running to the front. The group that finished first with the guy running to the front of the group touching the Ghost Flag won.

Numerama, Namerama, Announcements, Emoji took us out.

Announcements – Convergence tomorrow morning at 7 am at Tredegar.


DaVille brought a group of 7 guys (half the PAX for an away game) this morning with the Ghost Flag. Spit had been monitoring the Q sign-up sheet and saw an open Q. He had been hoping for someone to take it so DaVille could do a true Ghost Flag takeover but it still worked out.

Cars started to pile in right before 5:30 am. It initially appeared that it might be a large DaVille majority workout. In the end, it was a near 50-50 mix.

Opus led the PAX in the amphitheater and fired up some arm circles. Saab expressed his boredom. It seems like arm circles can be a dividing exercise since Lab Rat calls for a “real warm-up” with them before firing up the rest of the COP. We may need a poll to find out who thinks that arm circles are a good way to start the morning in the gloom!

Opus kept his “smurf jack” streak going and gave all of us an opportunity to figure out again that those are not fun.

The Carpenter led the PAX over to what he calls “the valley.” He has horrible memories of one of his first trips to Dogpile where the PAX did 11s in that area. He termed that place the “valley of the shadow of death” since he almost splash merlot’d in the sewage drain in the middle… The 4×4 work seemed to give the PAX a challenge and the flutter kicks and SSHs proved to be a lot more difficult after the run through the valley on this humid morning.

Spit did not let up on the gas at all with the Bent Jacob. The PAX encouraged one another all along the way and made sure to pick up the six in order to keep all engaged.

In the end, Richmond proper took the Ghost Flag as the non-Daville group won the Native American run to the flag at the end. There were 4 from Richmond, 3 from Tuckahoe and 1 from SOJ. Richmond now has the ghost flag.

Good conversations continued after Emoji took us out and another F3 morning was successfully completed.

The Carpenter


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  1. Great Q, DaVille boys! It had been almost a week since my last post and this was not one to ease back into…I expect nothing less!

    Have a great day, Gents!

  2. Thanks for coming down from the far north to lead us gents! That was quite a beat down. Always good to see you dudes.

  3. Great beatdown. Nice progression from arm circles to 3 formidable Q’s

    Appreciate you making the trip fellas…you went much farther than I typically travel for a workout : )