Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

New Running Territory


9 Monday Runners including one 2.0, got their week started with some miles. YHC had warned the PAX on FB the night before that we would be running the Rutland Loop.

Down Atlee Rd, turn at the Bojangles ( Hustler met us there and Bulkhead was shortly after since the live in Rutland), then head onto Rutlandshire Dr then on the main road Combs Dr.

4 milers went to the end of Combs then back the same way. 5 milers turned into Cool Spring Forest where there was a Spike sighting. Cross over Cool Spring Rd into Cool Spring West neighborhood. A lap around the path then back to Cool Spring Rd then up the hill and back to Atlee.

Hot and humid morning but the PAX push each other through it.




  1. My first running workout. Having As You Wish (my 2.0) definitely kept me going. He wants to do RAMM Friday, so I guess I need to get used to this stuff.