Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A Dozen for a Wet Tour of Batteau


12 men strapped on their wet suits and posted to Batteau for some extra we Gumbo. The Summer Tour was in full effect. It went a little something like this:

Mosey up the street and over to the farmer’s market area on the lookout for Sippy Cup but apparently Sippy drove to the AO and did some EC around the lake…he found us though. So did Phonics and Opus. Hold plank until everyone joins the circle and then the following exercises all IC:

  • Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • SSHs
  • DQs – faster than YHC’s normal – blame it on Q’drenaline
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks – with arms above head then out to the side


Market 11s

Line up along one side of the parking lot and perform 10 merkins and 1 jump squat. Bear Crawl across to the other side, do 9 and 2, lung back, 8 and 3 and repeato until 1 and 10. Then Al Gore for the SIX.

Lamp Post Penalties Down the Hill of Ill Repute

Mosey to and down the Hill of Ill Repute stopping at each lamp post for 2 Burpees and an exercise. Exercises included: WWIIs, HRMs, mountain climbers and copperhead squats.

Stairway to Heaven Triple Check

Mosey over to the base of the stairway to heaven for a triple check. 1 team member runs the steps (carefully as a constant stream was rolling down the steps), 2nd team member is doing box cutters, and 3rd team member was planking. Repeato 3 times or until Q calls time.

All mosey up the steps and back to the flag – stopping at the lone lamp that was on for 3 burpees – a penalty for the city wasting the energy.

1 minute + of Freddie Mercuries at varying cadence speeds.

COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama and YHC took us out.

Announcements: Nothing new – just that we have 30+ guys doing the summer tour with about half of that SOJ travelers.


It is always great to get back out to Batteau. It is such and interesting and difficult AO. It provides a challenging start to the week for sure. It was great to see a bunch of guys I don’t regularly see and great to see Double Mint back out for his second post so soon. Not surprised to recognize him and great to have him in the PAX. Well done this morning.

Thanks for putting up with the unusually long triple check. I remember doing a triple check on these steps in my second post to Batteau a LONG time ago and thinking it was awful so naturally I had to bring it back. Glad everyone managed to traverse the steps without injury.

Thanks for posting men. Always a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men.

No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great job Gumbo.
    Way to work guys – great way to start the week.
    Punisher @ 6 for round 2 if interested…

  2. Gumbo – Great Q this am and what a start to the week

    Mind updating the roster to “Wojo” ? Can’t allow a skew in the Big Data curve.

  3. Gumbo- great workout in the rain

    Swirly- forgot I have a dinner at 6:30 tonight, can’t make punisher after all

  4. Done, brother. My bad. Good thing Big Data was in this PAX and can vouch for your presence directly.

  5. Nice M.C. Escher never ending Triple Check Gumbo! Solid beat down all around. Glad to see some travelers and to have Double Mint hard core on the F3 wagon. Keep up the good work brother.

  6. Great work Gumbo!

    I think Vinny quoted appropriately that running up those stairs in the rain must have been what it was like for Andy Dufrane to escape from Shawshank.

  7. Duly noted.

    Let the PAX beware, post at least once every 6 months or else your bigdata is erased and your moniker is up for reuse.

  8. I love that. The Shawshank Steps! Know that I will bring back the Shawshank Steps Triple Check whenever I Q at Batteau and there is enough light to do it. The rain and running water did add some misery and complexity to it.

  9. Great Q Gumbo. That triple check was no joke. I’m all in for the punisher if it’s raining!! Since My clothes and shoes are already prepared.