Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Giving The Bird


This was the second route YHC constructed in response to Kubota’s “there are no new routes out of Mary” challenge. It goes something like this:

4 Milers
West on Grove
Left on E Lock Ln
Cross Cary on a diagonal to the left and take Old Locke Ln
Take Old Locke Ln as it veers to the right, take to the end and turn around and head back the way you came taking a
Left on Lockgreen Circle, at the intersection of Lockgreen Court, keep on the Circle
Run the Lockgreen Circle
Upon completing the circle, continue on Lockgreen Circle back to Old Locke Lane; take a left
Cross Cary on a left diagonal onto E Lock Ln, continue on to Grove
Right on Grove and back to the VSF

5 Milers
West on Grove
Left on E Lock Ln
Cross Cary on a diagonal to the left and take Old Locke Ln
Take Old Locke Ln as it veers to the right, take to the end and turn around and head back the way you came taking a
Left on Lockgreen Circle, at the intersection of Lockgreen Court, keep on the Circle
Run the Lockgreen Circle
Upon completing the circle, continue on Lockgreen Circle back to Old Locke Lane; take a left on Old Locke Lane
After crossing Dover on your right, break left through the tree line onto Pocahontas Ave
Take Pocahontas until it dead ends on E Hillcrest and take a right
At the top of the hill, take a right on Hillcrest
Turn left on Cary and immediate right on Stratford Crescent
Take a right on Oak Lane and take it to Grove
Right on Grove and back to the VSF

6 Milers
West on Grove
Left on E Lock Ln
Cross Cary on a diagonal to the left and take Old Locke Ln
Take Old Locke Ln as it veers to the right, take to the end and turn around and head back the way you came taking a
Left on Lockgreen Circle, at the intersection of Lockgreen Court, keep on the Circle
Run the Lockgreen Circle
Upon completing the circle, continue on Lockgreen Circle back to Old Locke Lane; take a left on Old Locke Lane
After crossing Dover on your right, break left through the tree line onto Pocahontas Ave
Take Pocahontas until it dead ends on E Hillcrest and take a right
At the top of the hill, continue left on W Hillcrest and go down the hill
At the bottom of the hill take a left on Hillwood and continue on Charmian
Charmian will veer to the right, continue to take it and follow its loop (when it hits Poplar, continue on the loop to the left NOT right)
It will dead end at E Hillcrest and take a right
At the top of the hill, take a right on Hillcrest
Turn left on Cary and immediate right on Stratford Crescent
Take a right on Oak Lane and take it to Grove
Right on Grove and back to the VSF

BT informed YHC that Lockgreen Court was a gated community, so we had to improvise at the end to make up the distance. The intrepid 6 milers decided to challenge the perimeter and alarms were triggered at the gate house. 6 milers were deterred. Compound secure.

A humid morning for a run. Though it could be a lot worse. For example, Handshake had a leg hanging out of the grill of his car. A giant Robin got crushed through the small grill opening. YHC speculates that the bird was going to fly over the car, and then noticed the giant dog on the hood in his path. Opting for the low approach, he met a fatal ending.

Feeling the need to reciprocate the great HVAC service Handshake provide Saab recently, Saab enthusiastically and quickly volunteered to remove the chicken sized bird. Handshake produced nitrile gloves and Saab began tugging on a leg as the extraction process commenced. With a swift pull and the bird was free.

Despite attempts to resuscitate the bird, he was pronounced dead and buried under some leaves. If only someone had a shovel for a proper burial…..

No Tools took us out.

Always Be Tapering,



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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Good job guys – enjoyed the run Flatty, Vinny, TYA – Saabski
    Hope you got some water Vinny ….
    That humidity is tough getting used to ..
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Solid run today gents. A great opportunity to push through. Your boy lost 4 lbs during the run. Hydration ain’t no joke.

  3. This is the best backblast. Lots of laughs. Thanks for removing the bird.

    Can I have two nicknames?