6 hardy souls came out to the second iteration of The Anvil. Here is how we toiled.
Mosey to blacktop for COP: SSH, DQ, arm circles, some other stuff. Mosey to track, trying to EH someone along the way, without success (for now). What a welcome sight, a 75 pound sandbag with handles!
Each PAX took a turn throwing Deadweight (the sandbag) forward, then do a lap around the track, once you catch up, toss it again. Once the PAX had made it a quarter way around, switch to sandbag burpees with a throw at the end, another lap, rinse, repeat until another quarter lap was done. Switch to: throw it forward, next PAX bear crawls to where it lands, they throw it forward, repeat until the last of the track is complete. Mosey to field for Ring of Fire, explosive merkins with handclaps.
Mosey to the flag, numberama, namerama, Chewy took us out.
Numbers were down this week, but those who showed up got to meet Deadweight, Mudface’s sandbag friend. Mudface tried his best to EH the guy doing laps, he seemed interested (hey, he was already up and here) but didn’t stick around this time. The PAX put in some miles this morning, a little over 3 in total. Not a typical Mudface Q, but we’ve just scratched the surface of The Anvil. YHC and Chewy are familiar with Deadweight, unfortunately, and keep hoping he disappears, but he has now shown up at every Mechanicsville AO. He might go on tour this summer…
Let’s get more numbers here next week, need to keep this AO going!
As usual, I have No Idea what I’m doing.