Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Partner Coupons at GridIron


Eight of the faithful posted at GridIron on a comfortable spring morning. There was much yammering initially, and YHC had to threaten punitive burpees to get things moving.

We started with a longer-than-usual COP to get warmed up. The COP included SSH, Don Quiotes, Cherry Pickers, sm. arm circles to helicopters to lg. arm circles, merkins, Susanne Sommers, side planks, and LBCs.

Mosey to the bleachers for forties (derkins/bench kicks).

Pair up into teams and grab one coupon per team. Mosey to end zone of nearest Girdiron. Line up on sideline. One partner runs across field and back while the other does 2-arm cleans and presses with coupons. flip-flop. Repeat for a total of 4 sets.

Mosey down to the center of the lower field. Coupon/partner Jack Webbs. All PAX does 1 merkin, followed by each partner doing 2 air presses and 2 coupon presses. Then all PAX does 2 merkins, followed by each partner doing 4 air presses and 4 coupon presses. Continue “up the ladder” concluding with the PAX doing 10 merkins, followed by each partner doing 20 air presses and 20 coupon presses.

Mosey around to the near baseball field in the rear of the school. We usually refer to this field as the “cricket field,” but the cricketeers were using the back field. Line up on foul line along right field. 1 partner runs near 2nd base and does 10 burpees. The other repeats the appointed coupon exercise until the 1st partner returns. Continue “down the ladder” of burpees. Appointed exercises included inclined merkins on coupon, skull crushers, pullovers, weighted APDs, etc.

Mosey back to VSF. COT with Cecil taking us out. Coffeeteria.

Welcome back PigSkin and Cecil! Great job men! Johnsonville


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