Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Magnum, PI


Nine rain-shower dodgers circled around the flag for this morning’s iteration of Hoedown. Everyone greeted the sleeveless Fudd, then off we went for a quick warm-up jog through the neighborhood before meeting in front of the school for:

SSH x20
Arm Circles x15
Copperhead Squats x20
Don Quixotes x15
Freddie Mercuries x20
Merkins x20

The Thang
Mosey to the parking lot nearest the cafeteria for instructions. 3 exercises of 20 each then run to the far end of the parking log, traverse up and down the hill, then run back to whence we came. The run got shorter and shorter with each iteration. Exercises were:

Merkins, Squats, Flutter Kicks, Run forward/backward
Werkins, Lunges, LBCs, Bear Crawl / Crawl Bear
Clerkins, Ball Dippers, Reverse Crunches, Crawl Bear / Bear Crawl
Boo Ya Merkins, Step Back Lunges, APDs, Crab Walk / Walk Crab

Slow shimmy over to the stairway ramp for 3 sets of 10 jerkins.

Sideways shuffle over to the paved ocean for triple check. Al Gore, APDs and Karaoke / Backwards Run / Forwards run.

Hustle back to the flag where announcements were made and YHC took us out.

The weather was glorious today. Soon after COT, the skies opened up and everyone scattered. Always great to see Fudd out in the gloom and he continues to EH even from afar. Welcome to FNG Ben who is a local Midlo graduate, thus the Magnum moniker.

Someone commented about the length of the karaokes on the blacktop should be called ball twisters, from which YHC retorted “twisticles”. Someone should look to see if that can get added to the lexicon.

Memorial Day convergence at Tredegar. No Hoedown that day.

Prayers to Handshake’s friend who is going through terrible circumstances.

See everyone in the gloom.

Big Data is watching.



  1. Nicely done Splinter. Uphill crabwalks and crawlbears are something else. Welcome Magnum.

  2. Thanks for the warm (and wet) welcome across the river for my first post to Hoedown!

    When I stepped out my front door in Powhatan (without first checking the weather), and it was raining, I have to be honest, it was a test of my will (do I really want to drive 30 minutes to go workout in the rain?). But then I figured I might as well get the first one over with. Besides, I sweat enough that it doesn’t matter anyway.

    While the rain held off mostly, I still got the wet workout experience when my shoes got soaked in COP SSHs and we got on our six for Freddie Mercuries in the mushy grass.