Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Dude, you need to work on your routes…


A mighty crew of amateur backyard Football players descended upon Heartbreak and this is how things went

– Don Quixote’s – Side Straddle Hops – Merkins – Russian Soldiers

Indigenous Peoples run over to the Elementary School parking lot for a Triple Check. First partner runs the Parking Lot, second Partner does Hand Release Merkins, third partner does Flutter Kicks. Three people, three rounds, three exercises.

Mosey over to the Elementary School Bus Loop for a Crabwalk/Burpee Ladder. First man does 10 Burpees while the other men do Pole Smokers OYO. When the first man is done he runs back tot he bottom of the loop to get in the back of the line and the rest of the men Crabwalk up to the starting point. Repeat until all 8 men have gone once.

Mosey over to the big field behind Pemberton Elementary for some Football Passing Drills. We had 8 men so we had 3 pairs of guys running passing routes/defense and a quarterback. Quarterback calls “hike” and the Wide Receivers run out. If offense catches the pass then they call a exercise and we completed 5 reps, if not, then defense call the exercise.

Vinny’s Second Annual Field Day is this Saturday at Dogpile. Tuckahoe/Western Henrico (Loose Goose you have been defined) to wear Khaki Shorts and a Polo, Visor is optional. BoDo’s VQ is tomorrow at W-Dog. Come one, come all.

NMS: It was a beautiful morning out today. A little bit a dew on the grass, a slight coolness in the air. Spring is 100% here to stay. YHC is happy the sun is starting to come up earlier now, it opens up a whole other realm of activities that are possible. Today’s Football was an ode to Lab Rat’s traveling summer Frisbee games. It was great to see Mr. Holland who Vinny has re-classified as City-Proper even though he’s 5 minutes from Hanover. Thanks for letting YHC take the reigns today. Goose has the Q next week, something tells me he’s going to “one up” today’s festivities, YHC can’t wait…..


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