Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No GoT fans


5 of the usual suspects arrived in the gloom with a little drizzle to find no one with a plan on where to go and only one Game of Thrones fan looking for someone to talk to. Bullseye suggested the Twin Team to Brigstock out 23 back 22 route and off we went. Mileage varied but all made it back on time, the Twin Team start and finish makes the negative split much easier than most.

YHC can’t confirm but Orange Crush was so ready to discuss and disappointed no one watched Game of Thrones that I expect he gave Gumbo an entire synopsis of the episode from last night. Lugnut relied on Bullseye for the turnaround time and clocked some of his fastest miles after getting up Twin Team. Everything else seems flat after that start.

Vinny has a field day planned for May 11 – SOJ will be looking for a strong posting. Team captain Gumbo is looking into uniform options, tank tops and jorts preferred.

Ghost Flag at The Forge Thursday 4/25. DTH has the Q


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  1. Great run this morning men. Always great running and chatting with Orange Crush. Sorry for hitting you with a question right before Twin Team Hill. Poor form on my part.

    Have a great day folks.

  2. Too funny. I kept trying to tell Gumbo what happened on GoT, but strangely he kept running away from me. Now I understand why our pace was so much faster than normal! Don’t worry though, i kept tracking him down. Another good run for the two of us and a great start to the day/week for all.

  3. Sorry for the no show gents, I have no excuse for what happened. My alarm went off, I thought I hit the snooze button but must have hit the O.F.F. button instead. I’ll make sure to remedy the problem and post at No Toll tomorrow. I also have no intel on GoT, sorry O.C.

  4. If I would have known this, I would have made the 35 minute trek just to talk some GOT!
    #teamArya #Iknowyoukeeptrack