Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hoedown Hot Potato


One tractor, one car, one extreme J-E-T-S fan, one stock brokerage firm, one brand of vodka, one plate full of garbage/food and one secret agent attacked a hot potato at Hoedown this morning.  All the other regulars must have stayed up late watching the media circus crush the little girl from CBS trying to interview Brady after the game.

Here’s what we did:

Kubota Q:

Mosey around the parking lot waiting for a LIFO Loose Goose to join us and then head down to the bottom of Lindsay for:


10 x DQ’s

10 x Helicopters

15 x Russian Soldiers

10 x Merkins

20 x LBC’s

Partner up for:

Partner Work on and up Lindsay:

Complete 2 x 25 PLT’s each partner then Wheelbarrow up Lindsay for about 50 yards

Complete 2 x 20 Wilson’s Dying Boxing Cockroaches each partner then Wheelbarrow up Lindsay about 50 yards

Complete 2 x 10 Plerkins each partner then Wheelbarrow up Lindsay about 50 yards

Complete 2 x 10 side to side jumps over Elbow Planking partner (each partner) then Wheelbarrow up Lindsay about 49 yards

Al Gore and throw the potato to Saab

Saab Q:

Mosey to the Asphalt Abyss for:


Start on one end of asphalt and complete 10 Box Cutters.  Run all the way to other end and complete 1 merkin.  Backward run back to the start and complete 9 Box Cutters and so on and so on and so on.

Saab throws potato to Fireman Ed

Fireman Ed Q:

Mosey to the cafeteria wall after a few fake-outs and partner up

One partner wall sits while other partner runs the horseshoe.  Three time through.

Mosey back to flag for a Merkin Ring of Fire.  10 of your favorite merkins.  Great job to Conspiracy on the clap merkins.  Time up!

COT, Numberama, Namearama, Announcements and Loose Goose took us out with a nice prayer to get our week started right!


Fireman Ed has Heartbreak Q tomorrow

Sign up for GrowRuck

Slurpee has next TWO Breaking Bread Q’s!  WOW!  He will need help, so please volunteer to help him.


Great work by all this morning.  A lot of running for a Hoedown Q (2.1 miles on my Garmin).  Saab ran to and fro the AO.  It was great having Loose Goose post at Hoedown.  One of the longest and hardest 11’s that anyone can perform.  Very little mumblechatter.  The Super Bowl was not Super enough to talk about.  Beautiful morning and great group of guys working hard together.  That’s about all you need.  Have a great week to all and See You In The Gloom!


keep posting!


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  1. Sorry to miss today guys, my poor little one can’t catch a break. RSV the other week and now the Flu. I hope to see y’all at Heartbreak.