Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

All Exercises Gymnasts Approved


30 F3RVA men and 1 F3RVA young lady came to Dogpile to discover what was planned.  This is what happened.

Mosey to first traffic circle for COP-48 LBCs IC

Mosey to Rusty Cage – 4 pullups or jerkins and run to fire hydrant for 8 WWIIs.  Repeato x 10

Mosey to field for Michigan.  10 100 yd sprints, 8 80 yd sprints, 6 60 yd sprints, 4 40 yd sprints, 2 20 yd sprints and 1 10 yd sprint.

Mosey to Amphitheater for Sefl Destruction.  1st step 1 SSH, 1 merkins and 1 v-up.  2nd step 2 SSH, 2 merkins an2 v-up.  All the way up to 18.

Mosey to traffic circle for Burpee Ring of Fire.

Mosey back to flag.

Numberama, Namearama, and YHC spoke some words from Psalms and 7-11 took us out with a prayer.

NMS : Thanks for the BDAY wishes and playing along.  Sorry for the short BB, but it has been a busy day.

Circle K


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  1. Great job Circle K! I enjoyed the beatdown, you always know how to bring the pain.

    Happy Birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday and great Q, buddy! Great job to 7-11 as well! V-up forms were all over the place this morning. Wilson’s 2nd line was also on fire. Great job to the Breakfast Club! See ya in the gloom!

  3. Happy birthday Circle K! I love to hate everything about your beat down! See you in gloom soon.

  4. Fantastic. The rare, but always lethal, Circle K Family Style Whooping. This was potent. Thank you. What a way to start the weekend.

    Vinny needs to be renamed Diesel for his headlamp.

  5. Ok, if there was ever an underselling backblast then this is it. First off happy birthday. Second of all here’s a list of things I despise in order; wimpy handshakes, states where you can’t pump your own gas, Self Destruction, Michigan the exercise, Michigan the college, Burpee Ring of Fire with a large crowd, manbuns, anything involving face tattoos.