Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

this one is good for your spleen!


5 brave souls came out once again in the mist to throw some kettlebells around.

Here is what transpired…
Pump kettlebell while walking the bus loop to COP spot

Hillbillies (a helix favorite)
KB Windmills each side
Overhead Rotational Squats (known from now on as corkscrews) — each side
renegade rows each side
figure 8’s
figure 8’s with a hold in the middle
sidestepping kb swings

KB Tabatas
Bob and Weave, Goblet Squats
Demon Crushers, Sit up Presses
Halos, Standing presses

Don’t Drop the Soap
Hold KB as long as possible, when dropped get down and do 14 merkins, then run lap.
Rinse and repeat for a total of three times

A little Mary
combo exercise — squat, squat and press, squat press and tricep press repeato until tiredo
boat canoes — a total of 10 (2 each PAX member)

Numbers, Names, Announcements

What a great group of guys today.  Mumblechatter came mostly from Emoji (big surprise), but Helix and No Idea also had some stuff to say today as well.  Yardsale was rather quiet today.  YHC was too busy trying to not die to talk.
Thank Emoji for the backblast title.  While doing the corkscrews, he shouted out “These are great for the spleen!”  YHC immediately thought that he knew nothing about the spleen and subsequently found the very informative video in the backblast.  Now YHC wants to be a splenologist upon retiring from teaching.  Watch the video if you can.

Peace out


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