Wednesday, November 6
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Wife’s D@#$ Dog


Eight men cut through the tropical humidity for a beat down that went something like this:

Mosey to the new service road for Invisible Jumpropes, Lunge to first speed bump for LBCS, bear crawl to next speed bump for Squats, lunge halfway to next speedbump and bear crawl to next speedbump.  Mosey to elementary school bus loop for Dora.  Both partner perform the exercises and then both run the bus loop together.  Exercises included 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 squats.  Mosey to the playground fence to look for kick balls that the kids have kicked over (Helix’s M request).  Did not see any kick balls over fence and determined this may be an opportunity better served to complete in daylight hours.  Mosey to front of elementary school for ascending curb crawls up to 5.  Mosey to track for four corners, 10 WWII, 20 Freddie Mercuries, 30 Flutterkicks, and 40 APDs.  Mosey to middle school parking lot for touch a bus.  1,3,5 buses while partner holds six inches.  Mosey back to flag stopping twice for 5 burpees OYO.

Numberama, Namearama, YHC took us out.

Announcements: Convergence this weekend.  See Phonics for details.

CSAUP Oct. 20.  See TYA for details.

NMS-LabRat must have gotten a good night’s sleep as he had the mumblechatter in full gear this morning.  The morning started with LR getting out of the car and the first thing he says “My wife’s d!@# dog” referring to the puppy great dane (that is now 100lbs) taking up the entire bed.  This led to the story of acquiring the dog and much discussion.  LR has a new favorite show-Jack Ryan.  Wheelie and LR both enjoy the show for entirely different reasons.  Great work by all this am.  Thanks for letting me lead

Circle K



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  1. Great Q Circle K! I agree Lab Rat had the Mumblechatter in high gear this morning. Definitely made it interesting today.

    Great to partner with Helix today (twice). We both agree the lap around the bus loop after squats sucked.

  2. She has a name….it’s “F*&%#ing Annie” (the dog, not the wife).

    Great Q. I know you pieced that together on the fly, but it had just enough of everything to make it a full body thrashing.

  3. Awesome Q, Circle K, and thanks for attempting to work in the ball retrieval. Maybe we can train Lab Rat’s new best friend to do that. I can completely sympathize with LR. Our current dog arrived over my objection and subsequent to the death of the best dog ever. After having this animal for about six years now, I’ll admit she’s…okay.

    It was great to partner with Speedy Spit for two evolutions. I actually liked the new way of doing Dora, but I completely agree the run after squats/Al Gore was quite a bodily experience.