Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Back to Basics


13 of RVA’s finest posted this morning by foot or pedal.  Here is what happened, more or less.

The Routes:

East on Grove and north on Malvern.  Take Broad St east.  4s take Belmont south, 5s take Davis, and 6s take Lombardy; all southbound to Grove.  West on Grove the the VSF.

Swirly took us out.

With Lockjaw’s summer tour closed out, it was a welcome return to the Friday RAMM.  YHC wanted a nice and simple route and upon delivery of instructions, not a single question.  Mission accomplished.

Broad St is under development with the new Pulse bus line and an ever evolving Scott’s Addition.  As one runs this route, you see people living on the streets with their possessions close by and sleeping when/where they can.

Go forward today mindful of all that you have.  For many of the Pax, your problems are insignificant in contrast to those of others’.

Time to Taper,



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  1. RAMMGears mini-blast: Handshake (yeah… no kidding… Handshake!) and the Profit joined me for a new killer over-the-river exploratory. What with Riverside all fakacta with the sinkhole, we can’t go the usual way, so we improvised. All of this was just to get the Profit to the bottom of Main. He’s a tough old bird… wanted to climb all of Main. On purpose. Honest.

    Cary to Belvidere (South). Dive bomb at the War Memorial down to 2nd St. and then DIVE BOMB (all caps) to the River. Left at Tredegar and over the TPOT and down the Floodwall (way cool views) and over the Mayo bridge to the climb. Best. RAMMGears Route. Ever. Gotta leave earlier next time, tho.

    Handshake is very strong and held his own the entire route, despite being astride a thirty-pound gravel bike. He will be a welcome addition to the RAMMGears faithful as he rehabs his strained MSLXALCL or whatever it is that he was saying is wrong the his leg.

  2. Good run this morning guys – except for my detour into McDonalds…. I tried to catch you guys by cutting the corner but overshot and therefore came out ahead of the pack. Hope to see all or most of you guys tomorrow. Enjoy your Friday!