Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Did They All Come to See Me, or is it The Frisbee?


A mob of 17 filled up the parking lot of Hearbreak Ridge this morning!  Wow!

For the third week in a row, we spent our Tuesday morning playing Ultimate instead of doing an “actual” workout.  I say “actual” in air quotes though, as I recorded over 3 miles in steps by the end of our little game.  This is the first time though that we actually had enough  white shirts to play with nobody having to go skins!  Same format as last week’s No Toll and the week prior’s DaVille….feel free to go read those if you want to know the logistics.

Lockjaw and I set up the field short in order to keep off the big bare spot where they are trying to regrow the field…also thinking 5 on 5 would be a great showing for today (I think they had 5 post last week to Hearbreak).  The field was plenty big though, and the game got going.  White team held on for a bit, but was quickly out-gunned with Ponch showing off some athletics and running the show.  Gucci is tall and fast.  Hardywood is a superhero.  Vinny has grit.  Handshake is always in the endzone.  They pretty well whipped up on the white team, even though we had Sippy, who did his best to pull us up by the bootstraps coming up with trick plays and such.  I tried to play a more defensive lined game, thinking like a defender in hockey or soccer due to all the fast turnover action….it worked somewhat, but anarchy reigns supreme on the ULTIMATE gridiron and I had more than I could handle much of the time.

HOWEVER, just like a shitty round of golf, it can all be made better if you walk off 18th green after holing out a birdie.  Staring at a score of 3-8, redemption was at hand for team WHITE when “last point wins” was called.  White drove down and made a costly turnover just outside the endzone.  BLACK marched down, only to make a turnover of their own!  Garbage Plate was able to make a great catch, then pitch it over the line for last point, and the come from behind victory!

Ahhhh, shucks…just like T-ball, everybody that played got a trophy….and that trophy was an absolute mess of a driver’s seat as they climbed their stinky sweaty backsides in it.  All three of this year’s Ultimate days went off without a (major) hitch and good times were had by all.  Sugar Sock texted me to apologize for getting worked up over calls!  Love to hear the enthusiasm, and no apology necessary….besides, that’s kind of my thing.  Even the grounds crew, who came over to bitch us out for playing on their “in repair” field could hardly be upset, and let us continue our game for the last 20 minutes!  Thanks, dudes…

A couple of other notes:

-Thanks to Loose Goose and Lockjaw for helping out with the logistics and the field setup

-Well done to Mr. Holland and Shakedown for shaving their heads for a great cause.  Mr. Holland looks like a mad man and Shakedown looks like TYA.  Here’s to growing it back, boys!

-OK, my Fantasy 7 from the last 3 weeks if I were to put together an Ultimate team:  Sippy Cup, DK, (Astro)Glide, Ponch, Spike, Rosie*, and gimme Garbage Plate to round it off.  Also, give me Vinny, Shakedown, Sugar Sock, Lab Rat, and Flipper to sit on the bench, ridicule the other team and argue with the refs.  For actual subbing power and general good attitude, Hardywood coming in at half time with fresh legs would be a monster.  Handshake is also clutch if he gets to stand in the endzone the whole time and catch TD’s.

* represents great player, but with questionable body parts

Apology of the week goes out to Loose Goose for all the “Im going to kill you” thoughts that filled my head when the grounds crew told us to pack up and move to the upper field.


Lab Rat apologizes…





About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Announcements:

    -puppy pile this weekend following dogpile. The cones and the frisbee are loaned out.

    -July 4th convergence at Tredegar, 0700.

    -Shenannigans were discussed about ultimate frisbee road show stopping at Spider Run next week, but I think Saab would implode. I love Saab, so not going to do it. See ya’ll next year!

  2. Vinny will take honorable mention at this stage in his life. Sitting alongside Flipper on the bench of a middle school however, isn’t a good idea. Sippy is the man, especially sans Cup. Ponch is a ringer. Dude can play some UF. I’m still not used to seeing Hardywood in the California Sun shoes. Enjoyed the morning fellas. Now, back to regularly scheduled programming.

  3. Great game guys! Midfielders are the Kings of the UF battlefield and Ponch and Le Tigre proved that to be true. I was glad to keep Opus and Lab Rat busy as far from their goal as possible 😉

  4. Hey now, I contributed a little more than just arguing. I threw a beautiful interception over the middle to Vinny, who was playing Center Field and read me like a book…which was quickly turned into a touchdown by the other team in the deep zone I had vacated when we had the Frisbee. (*covers mic as Labrat whispers something) Oh, that’s bad? Shoot.
    And hey, as all the other Hokies in the group know, “It was a catch.” That’s all I was arguing about. haha.
    I’m usually pretty even-keel these days, thanks for stirring some competitive juices, Lab Rat. Great times while actually doing a lot of running and sprinting. I look forward to doing this again.

  5. Big Tennessee on

    “Mr. Holland looks like a madman and Shakedown looks like TYA” made me spit coffee down my shirt. Hated to miss it, but Kubota was trying to kill me/us this morning.

  6. Lots of fun today. Will this be a weekly summer event while we have daylight?

    Sippy, thanks for the excellent pass in the end zone. You are an UF pro!

  7. Great fun today, thanks for bringing the game and the Heartbreak Ridge newbies along!

    Regarding the field… IN my defense, I disclosed ahead of time that we technically supposed to use that field but we should do it anyway because it was better than everyone spraining an ankle on the upper field. We’ll scope out a sound/safe location up there for the next round in July (I just signed you up on the Q sheet for 7/10 at Heartbreak, Lab Rat)

  8. Wedding Singer on

    Maintenance guy – ‘Who’s in charge here’
    Singer – ‘everyone, but today, Lab Rat’
    Maintenance guy – ‘um what?’